How to Homeschool in Canada: 6 Steps To Start Your Journey

These days, the homeschooling movement in Canada is on the rise, with more and more people accepting it as a viable option for educating their children. If you are researching how to homeschool in Canada, here is the information you need to get started.  There are 6 main areas that I’d consider important to examine as you start the journey: Know the Reasons, Understand the Rules, Find Support, Choose Curriculum, Have a Plan, and Never Stop Learning. Let’s explore them together.

How To Homeschool in Canada: Canada Flag on Blue Background
Canada Flag by alfonsodetomas on

How To Homeschool in Canada: 6 Steps To Start Your Journey.


Step One: Know Your Reasons Why.

Every homeschooler has a story about why they chose this journey. Not everyone has the same journey or reasons for starting to homeschooling, but it’s important to know what your personal reasons are. Write them down, make sure they are visible, and then use them to feel confident in your decision.

Why is this the very first step?

Because you will have days where people question you and make you doubt. Or your child and you fight and you wonder if you should keep going. Or life feels overwhelming and you don’t know if you can do this anymore. Having that clear why means that you can remind yourself of your reasons and can keep pushing through rough days or doubt with clarity.

Get your copy of my book, How To Homeschool in Canada – now available for Kindle and Kobo, as well as paperback. 

Step Two: Understand the Rules.

Although homeschooling anywhere in Canada is completely legal, each province and territory has their own set of regulations and expectations surrounding homeschool. It is important that you familiarize yourself with what your province/territory requires. The last thing you want is to have a conflict that could cause big troubles for your family and your intent to educate at home.

British Columbia

In British Columbia, there are actually 2 main options for learning at home. One is called Online Learning (sometime called enrolling) and the other is actually homeschooling (registering). There is a big difference between the two: homeschooling being more independent whereas distributed learning requires you to meet provincial Learning Outcomes under the supervision of a teacher (and not actually considered “home school” by many people, including the government.)


In Alberta, home educating families are required to register with a willing board somewhere in the province and have their plans approved. There are 3 options: completely doing your own plans, following some government curriculum outlines, or completely following the school plans. You are assigned a facilitator who visits you throughout the course of the year. This province offers funding to families who homeschool, depending on what school board and method of schooling you choose – as long as you are registered by the 30th of September. A new fourth option is now available – notification only. This method removes the supervision of a facilitator and does not offer funding. Instead, you as the parent are  solely responsible for your child’s education.


Homeschoolers in Saskatchewan are required to register with their school board and provide an educational plan for each child. Over the course of the year, they need to keep a portfolio of their work or provide a written summary which they present at the end of the year. Funding for homeschoolers varies according to district.


In Manitoba, homeschoolers need to inform the government that they are homeschooling. In January and again in June, an official report is filed outlining the learning completed. This province offers no funding to homeschooling families.


Ontario homeschoolers are asked to submit a yearly letter of intent to their local school board. There is no requirement or involvement from the government. This province offers no funding to homeschooling families.


Regulations in Quebec regarding homeschooling changed in 2018, requiring homeschoolers to notify the minister and school board of their intent to homeschool and send in a learning project outlining plans for the year. During the year, parents are also required to send in a mid-year and completion report & at the end of the year have an evaluation done. Sometime in the year, a minister’s representative will hold a follow-up meeting to see how things are going. This province has no funding for homeschooling families.

New Brunswick

In New Brunswick, homeschooling families have to either register with an English or a French board. The Anglophone board requires submission of a fairly basic set of forms and will respond with a letter of approval. The Francophone board is more complex – requiring a more detailed application outlining your homeschooling plans along with an in-home interview. This province offers no funding to homeschooling families.

Nova Scotia

In Nova Scotia, parents are required to register their child using a form that is available on the Ministry of Education’s website. In June, parents need to follow that up with a progress report, outlining what their child learnt throughout the year. This province offers no funding to homeschooling families.


All that is required for PEI homeschoolers is to fill out and submit a notice of intent form. This province offers no funding to homeschooling families.

Newfoundland & Labrador

Parents/guardians must apply by June for the upcoming school year. Students will be registered in their community school. Progress reports are required up to 3 times a year depending on how long you’ve been homeschooling. There are no financial payments or compensations granted to parents.

Northwest Territories

In the Northwest Territories, parents register their children with their local school, where they are classified as students but are exempt from attendance. Homeschoolers in this province get a portion of the funding from the school to help pay for their school expenses.


Homeschooling in Nunavut involves registering with their local school and working with the leadership in that school. Inclusion of Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit (IQ) – or the teaching of Inuit societal values and culture is to be included in a homeschool education. Funding in this province is available on a reimbursement plan.


Yukon homeschoolers need to register with the Aurora Virtual School, who co-ordinate the home education program for Yukon Education. Along with registration, submission of a home education plan is required that outlines the plans and learning outcomes for the year divided into four semesters. The Yukon uses the British Columbia curriculum outline for their guidelines. Funding is provided for homeschoolers in this province.


Step Three: Get Support

Another very important key to homeschooling success is to build yourself a support system. But why, and how, should you find support?

In today’s technological world, support groups aren’t just limited to the homeschoolers in your local community. We are able to connect with homeschooling families from around the world through online groups – opening up a whole new set of support networks that didn’t exist not that long ago. We’re able to find people from all walks of life who are experiencing the same day-to-day struggles, successes, and questions we have. Check out this list of Facebook groups.

A homeschool support group traditionally consists of several homeschool families that get together in person for various meetings or events, with the purpose of providing opportunities for kids to interact with other homeschooled kids, parents to connect socially, and to get access to things like field trips or classes. Having real-life, in-person friends that you can meet with can mean the difference between success and burn out for homeschooling parents. It’s important to have that support system in place to have your back.

Homeschooling Support: It’s So Important!

Step Four: Choose Curriculum.

Now comes the part that most new (and many experienced) homeschoolers find overwhelming: Choosing curriculum.

Before you dive headfirst into the (potentially bottomless) world of homeschooling books and resources, I recommend that you start by researching two things: your child’s learning style and the various homeschooling methods. Choosing to consider these two areas first will help you narrow down your curriculum search and make it more personalized to your child’s needs and your teaching preferences.

Learning Styles are typically divided into 3 main options: visual, auditory, and kinetic. This is really simplifying it as learning styles can be very complex, but this is generally a good place to start.

  • Visual = seeing.
  • Auditory = hearing.
  • Kinetic = moving/doing.

You will find you are better able to narrow down how your child best learns as your journey progresses, but for now – it’s a bit of a chance to use your observation skills and see how your child understands the world around them.

Now, it’s time to take what you’ve learnt about your child and combine it with your own teaching style and preference. There are many different ways to homeschool. Here are some of the main ones:

School at Home (or Traditional) – Basically the public school system brought into your home, this method involves textbooks and notebooks – just like your child would at school.
Classical – Dividing childhood up into three segments based on their natural abilities, this language-centred method involves a lot of rote fact learning in the early years when children love memorization, followed by application of logic in the middle years and rhetoric in more advanced grades.
Charlotte Mason – Following the teachings of Charlotte Mason, who believed that children should love to learn and as teachers we should facilitate that. This method uses living books – typically fiction books that bring people and events to life.
Unschooling – Also referred to as child-led or delight-directed learning, unschooling allows a child’s interest, passions, and life experiences be the driving force behind their education, instead of a curriculum plan.
Unit Studies – Focusing on one topic at a time and connecting other subjects such as science, history, language, etc together based on that one subject.
Online or Video Schooling – Technologically based, this method uses either a website or video that leads the kids through instructions and lessons, with various different activities and reviews.
Montessori – Based on the research of Dr. Maria Montessori, this method involves creating an environment that fosters and stimulates children to learn through self-discovery and exploration.
Waldorf – A method that focuses on the whole child (heart, hands, and mind) using art and nature, myths and folktales, etc. Based on the educational foundations of Rudolph Steiner.
Eclectic – Combining the parts of any of the above methods, or using their own style, this method involves a mix and match approach to learning, personalizing everything to the child’s learning.

Homeschooling Methods
Learn More About Different Homeschooling Methods With This 10 part Series

If you are pulling your child out of the school system, you might hear the word “deschooling” mentioned by veteran homeschoolers. Deschooling is when you take a period of time off from the mindset and structured life that happens with public schooling. It means dropping all formal education and letting your kid be free to do whatever they want for a while – allow them to be aimless, be OK with them doing nothing all day, leave them to play, explore, and pursue their own interests without the pressure of school. The challenging part of this experience is your own personal preconceived expectations of education and learning. It’s hard to let go – even for a little while. Spend the time with your child and get to know them better before getting into the plans of homeschooling.

To date, there are no Canadian specific curricula available to just pick up and use out of the box. Most Canadian homeschoolers choose to either use and adapt an American curriculum or mix and match to piece together their own. (Here are some Canadian Curriculum options.) There are a LOT of options to choose from and it’s very easy to get overwhelmed. This is why it’s really important to get to know your child and your teaching style before you start looking for options.

A simple search engine search for homeschool curriculum will yield you a wide collection of options – which will probably lead you to run away screaming. Reading reviews of products is a great way to get feedback on what works and what doesn’t for different homeschooling families. Read the testimonials on the company website, search for homeschooling blog reviews, see if there are any YouTube videos of people using the product. If you can go to a homeschool conference, take the opportunity to meet the vendors, check out the materials, and chat with other homeschoolers about what they like and don’t like.

How to Homeschool in Canada Six Steps Infographic

Step Five: Have a Plan

Although different provincial regulations and teaching methods require different amounts of detail for plans, actually having some sort of plan is definitely essential to every homeschool. [Yes, even unschoolers!] This could be as structured as knowing exactly what you are going to every day, or it could be a more loose plan of general themes, topics, or a daily schedule. Once you find a planning method that works for you, stick with it. It will make this homeschool journey much easier for both you, your kids, and any record keeping you need or want to do.

Homeschool Planning: The Ultimate Guide To Planning Your Homeschool Year

When you first start homeschooling, you need to have a plan about where in your home your child is going to “do school.” Many people just use their kitchen or dining room table, especially at first. When you start feeling more comfortable in your learning – you will probably find that homeschooling happens all over the house (or even not in the house at all!) Avoid the temptation of sinking large amounts of money on a designated homeschool room, expensive furniture, and piles of supplies off the start – wait until you settle into your homeschooling styles and routine to see what would work best for your family. The only furniture you may want to consider is a bookshelf – this will be very handy!

Wanting to know the steps? Take this course!

Step Six: Never Stop Learning

This section is called “Never Stop Learning” because, honestly, that’s the base of it all: Learning. And I’m not talking about the kids. I’m talking about us. The teacher. We have so much we need to learn as we walk this journey. Homeschooling offers us so many opportunities to develop ourselves in our areas of weakness – whether that be skills in patience, communication, or even math! As parents and teachers, we need to role model a spirit of learning and curiosity so our children will follow suit.

How To Homeschool in Canada: Conclusion

In general, homeschooling in Canada is pretty easy. Our biggest challenges are mostly around the costs of shipping and the US – CDN dollar exchange rate and finding resources that are from a Canadian perspective. Hopefully, these 6 steps will help you feel more confident in your search for more information about how to homeschool in Canada. If you need more information from here, I recommend checking out the Getting Started section of this website or grabbing a copy of my How to Homeschool in Canada book which goes into each of these sections in more detail.

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Homeschooling in Alberta: How to Get Started

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Homeschooling in Québec: How to Get Started
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Lisa Marie Fletcher
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68 thoughts on “How to Homeschool in Canada: 6 Steps To Start Your Journey”

  1. I think some information should be added to the section on Ontario regarding the letter of intent. This year, I was asked for a copy of the letter of intent when my son applied for the Explore summer bursary program for French study and when inquiring about the university he plans to attend in the future, they also wanted to see copies of all four letters of intent from his high school years. It isn’t mandatory, but it can come in handy!

    1. Hi Carey,
      I am just wondering how someone that is being homeschooled can be accepted to a University or College without a Highschool Diploma? My understanding is in Ontario there are no equivalency testing for kids that are homeschooled?
      Thank you

  2. Loved this post! Didn’t realize there are actually some provinces that actually help cover costs which is good to know as I hope to travel and do some world schooling and if we are spending long enough in certain areas I will look into the fine print. Thanks again! Shared ❤

    1. Hi Shannon,
      It will depend on the province you are in. But the first step is to figure out if you need to or want to work towards an official government-issued provincial diploma or not. Then you choose your curriculum / courses based on that. It’s important to keep detailed records for every program or course that you complete so that you can make a transcript.
      I hope that helps a little.
      Lisa Marie.

    1. For my understanding, if you live in another country, you will need to find out the legal regulations for the country that you are living in and follow them. Of course, you are welcome to check in with a homeschool organization from the province you are from to ask if they have any suggestions and see if they can help!

    2. same question here.We live in Argentina, our daughter is Canadian, from BC. Can she apply and complete her 10th grade homeschooling with BC Rukes?

  3. Hi there just wondering if u could email me about homeschool grade 1 and 8 in Alberta. Could you leave a phone number old school prefer talking over mails and such:):) thanks:)

  4. Hi, i just have a question, if you pull out your kid at a regular school to be home-schooled, can he or she come back to a regular school after? Like for example, after this school yr, I decided to have my kid be home-schooled by this coming school yr, and by next school yr, I decided to put him back to a regular school, will there be any problems coming back?

    1. I homeschooled my eldest when he was in grade 6. (Public school through gr 5.) He went back in public school grade 7 and was ahead of his class in most areas. My method was to use provincial guidelines and expand. EX: I taught him both secular and Christian views on world creation/human history and blended it with world geography. I also taught him basic economics-which is not part of school curriculum.

      Teachers love self motivated children who take learning seriously. This is what homeschool teaches imo…and looking forward, Ivy League schools are looking more and more at homeschooled graduates because they are better prepared for the rigors of college studies vs traditionally schooled children who are generally trained for group-think.

  5. Hola, somos una colombiana, tenemos dos hijas, queremos estudiar en casa, lo podemos hacer con una plataforma canadiense ?

    1. Hey there,

      I’m not sure what the homeschooling regulations are like in Columbia – so I’d suggest researching that first. If it’s allowed, and you have the freedom to teach however you’d like, then you can research options for what you want to teach. As for a Canadian platform – you will find that every province has its own requirements and there isn’t a universal kind of plan. We just mix/match and do what we’d like.

      Sorry that isn’t a clearer answer.

      Lisa Marie.

  6. fares Bendjeddou

    we are Canadian live in united arab emirates (Dubai) we would like to enroll home schooling for daughter grade 7 and son grade 3 ,since we lost job in UAE and traveling restriction most probably we need to register for home schooling ,my question is if we are since 3 years out of the country ,can we choose any province by contacting them overseas .

    please we need help from you

    1. Hey there.
      My experience has been that you need to find out about the legalities of homeschooling in the country you live in and follow those regulations. If you are allowed to homeschool in the UAE, and the regulations are free to work as you would like, then you can choose whichever resources you would like. Otherwise, you will need to consider what you need to do within their specific rules.
      Lisa Marie.

  7. Hi! I am not wanting my daughter to go back to school come September for grade 1 due to the pandemic. I really want to home school her but feel overwhelmed just reading about it. I feel like I don’t know what I am doing and what the best path is. I have no clue on how to make a teaching plan and what is required for grade 1. My intentions are to put her back in the school system for grade 2 so my challenge is having her ready for that. Feeling so lost……

    1. Hey Julia,
      First, deep breaths. It does feel overwhelming at first – and the pressure of feeling responsible for your child’s education feel just HEAVY, doesn’t it? Here’s the good news – none of us know what we’re doing and it almost always turns out just fine. You aren’t expected to be a teacher like those in the classroom. Homeschooling is learning at home and much more relaxed. I’m not sure which province you are in, but if your intention is to stay home for a year and then back to the school the following year – I suspect you are hoping to follow somewhat the curriculum outcomes provided by the government, right?

      My first advice in that case is to look up what is covered in Grade 1 in the province you are in. For example, in most provinces for Grade 1 science , students cover “Living and Non-Living things” “Seasons and Daily Changes” “Structures” etc. Don’t get caught up in all the technical marble-garble. Just think about how you can teach that with your kid! For example, for living things, you can watch videos, read books, do some experiments (do rocks breathe?), etc.

      If you feel more confident following a curriculum, look at this blog post which can help walk you through the planning steps:

      I am happy to chat more if you’d like. Pop me an email (

    2. Julia, I am in the same boat with a daughter the same age, also going into grade one in September. We decided to not send her back. We’re in Ontario and I have no idea how to do it. There’s so much information out there and Im trying to sort it all out. I joined a couple of FB groups and have talked to a couple of people. I wish you and I could connect so we could lean on each other along the way. Not sure if it’s okay to share my email address here!
      – Kimiko

      1. Hey kimiko! How did it go last year? Looks like i’m in the same boat you were in last year….just trying to navigate my way through now. Would love to connect…

  8. I’m really curious as to how parents in Canada homeschool their kids while still paying the bills. I’m a single mom with a kid with developmental disabilities. I live in BC, and the education system here is just not set up to accommodate his needs. He’s also being bullied and the anti-bullying curriculum here is ineffective. I’m considering homeschooling my son in September 2020, but I pay rent monthly (I don’t own any property) and I’m currently unemployed due to COVID-19. How do parents who homeschool survive without working? I want to make homeschooling work to better support my son’s needs. But homeschooling seems to require a lot of financial privilege to make it work.

    1. Hi there Nicole,

      It sounds like you are really trying to work on finding a good solution for your son and his health / education. I fully respect that you have a struggle as a single mom to make all the pieces of your life fit together. You are right – you need to have a way to make ends meet. Food and housing are necessities. That means that you will have to have an income of some kind – however you can manage to do that.

      There are plenty of single homeschooling parents who make it work, although it involves a serious juggling act and some creative planning. While working, you would need someone to care for your child. I’ve seen other people talk about sharing care with another single parent, grandparents, and even sometimes another homeschooling family will happily include another child. There are some great groups on Facebook to talk to other working homeschooling families to see how they manage to make it all work. For example, this one is great:

      Hopefully that helps!
      Lisa Marie.

  9. hey I am looking into home schooling I live in new Brunswick is there a online form to fill out or do I need to print it and take it to school board? My son is going into grade 4 but with this pandemic I am very nervous to send him. Thanks

  10. My wife and I are not wanting to send our kids back to school in September also. Lots of good information on here but I was wondering if there is a requirement for a parent to home full time for my twins going in to grade 7. We live in BC and a lot of the uncertainty is making us uncomfortable. We have immune compromised members in our family and we are making sure everyone stays safe. My wife is an essential worker and I am going back to work right as the school year starts. Would like to know about options available so we can make a informed decision. Thank you

    1. Hi William.

      It sounds like you are asking if a parent needs to be home full time with your children in order to homeschool? If so, my answer is kind of a tentative no. I’m not 100% sure what the age requirements for leaving children alone are in BC, nor your children’s specific capability to handle staying at home alone – but there are many families with parents who work with children learning at home. As long as you have a clear plan and expectations for what your children are to do for learning, regular (daily) checkins to confirm their work, and a way to connect with them as needed throughout the day – it might work. Otherwise, you can consider what kind of child care you could use. It might just be an extended family member coming to the house to help with the intentional school work. It might be a babysitter. You might decide that doing school in the off hours will be a better decision. It’s possible – it absolutely is but it will take careful planning, implementation, and teamwork to make it happen.

      I hope that helps.

  11. Hey! I really don’t want to send my son to school this September 2020. It would be his first year. However my problem is that I still need to maintain my full time job. I have full access to work from home and have been doing so since the pandemic started. However, having to really really school him is a different ball game and I would be doing it on my own. Any suggestions…..anyone with experience in this area?

  12. I am considering keeping my son home for the 20/21 school year. He has already been struggling and is behind his peers. When we eventually put him back in school and they do a placement test, will they automatically put him back with his peers, or will they place him where he is at scholastically? Ex, this will be his grade two year, I was hoping to try to catch him up and then put him in grade 2 next year.

  13. Hi!
    We are about to start homeschooling our kids- grades SK, 3, 6, and 7. While the span of ages/grades seems daunting- I’d be interested in any tips for a smoother plan to work with them all.
    As a result of the wonky last year, our kids haven’t completed the curriculum from the previous year. I’m thinking of jumping to the grade they should be doing and catching up as I go- if I can. Do you suggest this? Or should I work from last year’s curriculum to start?
    Thanks for your insight!

    1. I think starting fresh and seeing where they are weak and needing more review is a totally acceptable idea. IT’s a good place to start and, if you discover big gaps, you can always pause and step back.
      I feel you on the big age gap. We have a large gap too.
      Some people find that doing learning together is a great way to do it. You might want to kind of break up your day into two school chunks. Littles and Bigs. Then you can work more focused with each age group. I personally rotate through kids one at a time until we get things done. I have broken our subjects down over a series of days so we don’t doa long list of subjects each day.
      Hopefully that helps a little.

  14. Hello,

    We are considering homeschooling our children for this 20/21 school year and putting them back in for the fall of 2021.

    They currently attend a Montessori school in Ontario, and our plan is to have them go back to this in a years time. Their ages are JK, grade 1 and grade 2.

    Would you be able to provide some advice on where to find material/curriculum to support this? I am hoping I can do a learn together model, with work geared to each of their ages.


  15. I’m from Ontario, and have decided to keep my 6 year old (grade 2) home rather than return to her private school. She has been in this independent school Since jk and I’m wondering if I need to write a letter to the school board still since she was never registered in the public system? Thanks for all your amazing information and help!

    1. From what I know, you aren’t required to notify the school board if your child has been in a private school because they are already not part of the system. You will need to inform your school (so they know not to expect you!) and you CAN send a letter of intent if you want to. Hope that helps.

  16. Hi, I’m thinking of homeschooling my daughter foing into grade 9 now and my son who’s going into grade 8 because of the pandemic since their baby sister is only 2 and I’m at risk too. We’re in Quebec and im not sure where to start! Thanks for any help. Tami

  17. Hi,
    I have contemplated homeschooling on and off for years. Until recently, the reason was due to what I felt was the lack of a quality, fundamental education in the public schools. Now, I feel a new urgency because of the mask mandates being enforced in schools this September.
    My husband and I have only one child, our daughter, who is now 15 and starting grade 10.
    My husband, unfortunately, doesn’t share my concern about the health risks surrounding long-term mask wearing nor the contact tracing and possible quarantine that will likely happen should even one case of the virus be confirmed at her school.
    His concerns have always been about her not having the social connections she needs if she’s homeschooled and that I would have trouble teaching subjects that I myself have never been strong in, especially math and science.
    Do you know of any other parents who are in our situation? Those who are new to homeschooling and want to ensure their children, especially those with an only-child, can connect and give their children a well-rounded education that includes extracurricular activities with other students their age?
    Perhaps if I can present my husband with a solid curriculum that will convince him that not only will our daughter receive a good education but that I will have the support I need in the areas I’m weak in, he might come on-board. And, if he was assured that she will have regular social connections with other teens, he might be convinced.
    I don’t know how unique our situation is but I would very much appreciate your advice.
    We live in Nova Scotia.

    1. Hey there.
      I think – this year in particular – almost every family has the same concerns about their children’s physical and mental health. Given the situation, the socialization concern is one that everyone is dealing with. Homeschoolers almost always have the socialization piece in place through classes, community groups, extra activities, playdates, hangouts, homeschool co-ops, etc. It’s not really the issue that everyone seems to make it out to be. This year is different than usual for everyone – including homeschoolers – as groups and activities are cancelled and field trip locations remain closed. It might be worth looking for ways to help your daughter connect with friends / other homeschoolers through things like Zoom or other online platforms this year. At least then she can stay connected. 🙂
      Lisa Marie.

    2. Hi, Im from manitoba and we have two boys. One going into grade 5 and the other into grade 9. Our motive for homeschooling is the same we do not want are kids wearing a mask all day or the hole family getting caught up in contact tracing and not to mention the day is coming where it will be mandatory for them to take a trail vaccine to attend school Also here they can put your child in a isolation room if the school thinks there sick. How scary would that be for a child. The public school system here has failed them since the beginning so no harm will be done. We know our boys best and feel we can provide them with a stress free approach to learning. I work days and my wife works evenings so between the two of us we can fill the gaps. Cheers from manitoba !

  18. I have been homeschooling 21 years this year but never before have I home schooled a grade 12 student! What’s everybody’s advice on the best curriculum for math? Last year he did Saxon geometry for grade 11

  19. Hi Nicole,
    Im sorry to hear your struggles. I am just scraping by myself financially but the way I do is I have decided to work from home as a massage therapist. I don’t work much at all but I think working from home really helps saving time. You can look on YouTube for ideas. Also knowing your lifepath and carrier numbers from numerology really helps with figuring out what you can do and enjoy carrier wise. There are free calculators for this online. Hope this helps.

  20. Hi – my kids are easily distracted and the schools bought the desk bikes and they really seemed to help. BUT I have decided to homeschool now until all this covid is cleared up. What do you think about the iTrainer stelair desk bikes for the younger children for homeschooling help at home? I wonder if I can just give them to the school to use there after they start up again?

    1. Honestly, if it’s working for your kids, I’d say keep using them. If you decide to go back to school – I’m sure you could still use the bikes for homework time at home! 😀
      Also, what a great idea! 🙂

  21. We are planning to home school our daughter for grade 6 in the 2022-2023 school year as I will be on deferred leave for a year. We live in the Yukon, but plan to travel for the year around Canada and other countries and that is why we want to home school. Is that allowed and do we follow the Yukon rules with the BC Curriculum while traveling as that will still be our primary residence.

  22. thank you for the guide !

    in fact I am looking now to enrol my twins in ontario.

    can you advise me how to find a school accepting homeschoolers. We are living in United Arab Emirates, and I am interested to let them start homeschooling for next year (grade 5).

    I do appreciate your response and if you could send your feedback to my email
    I would by thankful.
    with all respect

    1. Hey there,
      So homeschooling in Canada is done on a provincial basis and not a national one. If you live in another country, you will need to find out what the homeschooling regulations are for where you live. If you are legally allowed to homeschool, and are allowed to choose your own curriculum, then you can go ahead and find things that follow the plans that you would like. Other wise you will need to follow the requirements of your own country. If you are wonderin about enrolling in a school as an international student, I cannot advise you much as that is outside my area of expertise. Sorry!

  23. Janna Miller-DeDecker

    I have a quick question. If our child is currently living in the United States due to COVID -19 numbers and restrictions in her community in Canada compared to the COVID-19 numbers and restrictions in her father’s community in the US and we are going to homeschool for the remainder of the year how do we know what classes the school district in Canada will except when she comes back to school next fall.
    Can she take US history and have Canada except that as a class? In the United States we can name our own classes such as social life skills, finance, introduction to computer. Will her high school except those credit transfers back in the fall?

    1. Hey there. This will depend on what grade level you are working at. In elementary, it doesn’t really matter – students are typically accepted into the system based on the grade they are age wise. As for high school, this will depend on the school / principal and what the rules are for homeschooling in your area. It would be best to talk to your local school about this.

  24. Hey there
    We are from India planning to move to Canada soon. We are awaiting for our PR. We will be moving to Alberta. Our son is 12 years old and is homeschooling in India. We will to continue the same in Canada too. Can you please throw some light about immigrant families like us. How does it work for us.

    1. Honestly, this isn’t my area of experience as I generally focus on homeschooling within the country. I know there are lots of people who do homeschool while travelling, but I cannot offer advice on how to do that.

  25. GET YOUR KIDS OUT OF THE SYSTEM NOW!!! Create your own homeschool with your community now!!!! ITS YOUR RIGHT–DONT TEACH THEM THE INDOCTRINATION WAYS OF OLD!!!

  26. Hi, thank you so much for this page. It is so incredibly helpful. I am struggling with the letter of intent and how it’s supposed to look or include. I was curious if you have a template. Thank you!

  27. This is an excellent piece and it helped me in understanding the Canadian approach to homeschooling so much. We are currently homeschooling our child in the US with plans to move to Canada in 2024. He will be in his 2nd year of high school by then. Can you tell me if there is any required testing or records that he will need as a US ex-pat homeschooler, set to begin the homeschooling journey in Canada (likely BC area)?

    1. Hmm, good question. I’m not actually sure what the protocol is for BC and joining in for high school. It will probably depend on what your plans are (ie. working towards a Dogwood or not.) It would be best to reach out to BCHEA ( as they are experts in the logistics of homeschooling in that province.

  28. Hi, thanx for the helpful info!!
    We just moved in Ontario – I was advised that if my children never went to Canadian school, we don’t need to submit any letters of intent, and that it is needed only if we ever had been registered with any school system. Could you please advise if that’s good for us to move on with no letters of intention ?

    Thank you!


    i have a child who just moved to nunavut from ottawa can she join the ontario standard homeschool, as the curriculum is a bit lower from what she is learning in ontario.

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