Homeschool Methods: Waldorf

The Waldorf method of homeschooling was created by an Austrian man named Rudolf Steiner in 1919, when he opened his first school. He believed that education should be inclusive of the whole child: head, heart, and hands, while focusing heavily on the arts, folklore and mythology, and the natural world.

Homeschool Methods: Waldorf
Boy in a Hollow Tree on Shutterstock

Steiner himself believed in a faith called anthroposophy which has to do with a person’s spirituality and awareness of this spiritual self but attempted to create an education model that wasn’t based in any faith in particular and focuses more on a child’s natural wonder at creation.  However, many of the basic roots of his belief systems are integrated into every day learning – such as connecting with the spiritual realm and prayers. As such, the Waldorf method tends to be controversial.

In a Waldorf curriculum, reading is delayed until later in the 2nd grade, instead focusing on oral stories and understanding of letters and writing first. The arts are interweaved with all other subjects to help make them more tangible and beautiful. In a classroom model, especially in the early years, students will often have the same teacher for several years. This is designed to create a family-like atmosphere for learning. There are also some unique features included in their education such as eurythmy – movement with language, the inclusion of handiwork such as knitting,  an  early introduction to world languages, and a single intentional block of time each day (between 1 – 2 hours) set aside for teaching/learning.

Many of the toys and resources are natural – woods and silks and beeswax crayons and there is a general avoidance of technology and television as the goal is to inspire imagination.

In the early years, an emphasis is placed on imagination, storytelling, and developing an appreciation of the beauty of the arts and world around them. In the older grades,  art skills are refined as students turn the things they’ve learned in various subjects into beautiful textbooks. High school is where students are believed to fully grasp more abstract thoughts and learning.

This video is of a Waldorf Elementary school but shows some of the important parts of a Waldorf education.

Here is a day in the life of a Waldorf Homeschooling Family

Waldorf Benefits

  • The combination of academics with the arts makes the learning memorable.
  • Encourages looking at things from different approaches, leading to an ability to think outside the box
  • It encourages a vivid imagination
  • It is a co-operative approach to learning, not competitive
  • All areas of learning are considered as equally important as others

Waldorf Disadvantages

  • Some people find the religious basis for the program concerning
  • Delayed academics can be of concern for some (but this can also be a benefit for others)
  • Can be expensive to get quality materials
  • A heavy emphasis on the arts might not be a good fit for all children
  • Technology favouring families might find the non-tech approach challenging

Examples of Waldorf Homeschool Curriculum

>Recommended Resources

Where to Buy Waldorf Resources in Canada

Waldorf Homeschooling Blog

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Lisa Marie Fletcher
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9 thoughts on “Homeschool Methods: Waldorf”

  1. Is there a way to incorporate a Waldorf lifestyle at home while my child attends full time school outside of the home? My child is entering grade 1 and though it is not possible to attend a Waldorf school, I would like to introduce the philosophy and lifestyle at home.

  2. I read some of the blogs of home-school parents who apply Waldorf method, the point is the majority of them seem to be gifted when it comes to drawing and painting, i am not. I was never good at drawing although lately I’ve been trying to read and learn and was wondering does it need an artist parent to be able to apply Waldorf ideas with my kid?

    1. No, you don’t have to be an artist but you are right, this method is very arts-centric. I’m sure as long as you offer an environment that encourages art and are willing to try things, you could do just fine. (or at the worst, outsource!)

  3. Have you found any Waldorf homeschool curricula, and resources in French? I see books on Amazon France, but shipping costs are $$$ and I can’t see any actual curriculum, only books about the methodology. Thank you.

    1. That’s a great question. I think you are going to have a hard time finding French language resources in general, but especially with something so specific. A quick check on resources hasn’t really brought up much in my research.
      Sorry! :/

  4. My name Is Brian Buckle and I am a former Waldorf school administrator. I have teamed up with several Waldorf teachers to create Waldorf homeschool lessons and resources. Many of our resources are free and we will keep releasing more content monthly. You can sign up for our newsletter to stay updated. Would love feedback on the website and the content if you would be willing.
    Try this free first grade story lesson:

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