Homeschooling in Ontario: How to Get Started

Welcome to the world of homeschooling in Ontario, where families have the opportunity to tailor education to the unique needs and interests of their children combined with the freedom they desire. This guide aims to answer the most common questions about homeschooling in Ontario.

How to Homeschool in Ontario

What is Homeschooling?

Homeschooling is an educational method where parents take the responsibility for their child’s education outside of the traditional school system. There is some debate on whether using an online school or program is considered official homeschooling, but I personally believe that any family who is using a different education plan where they take the responsibility instead of sending their child to a brick and mortar facility should be able to classify themselves as homeschoolers.

Can you start homeschooling in the middle of the school year in Ontario?

You can choose to homeschool your child at any point throughout the year – whether that is before the school year begins, on day 2, in the middle of the year, or before the year ends. No matter when it is, if you are deciding to homeschool, you can start right away.

How to Register to Homeschool in Ontario

In Ontario, homeschooling is completely legal for anyone who decides they would like to. The Education Act requires children to attend school from the ages of 6 through 18, however that doesn’t require them to receive that education in a traditional school. You are allowed to provide “adequate education at home” using whatever resources work for you.

The document most often cited for homeschoolers in Ontario is the PPM131 (Policy/Program Memorandum 131) which helps schoolboards in their understanding of the policies surrounding homeschooling. Please note that this paperwork is NOT LAW, but simply a policy.

You are not legally required to do anything specific to homeschool your child, especially if your child has never been in the school system and you are not pulling them out. You can make the choice and homeschool right away.

However, it is recommended to complete a letter of intent and send it to your local school board. (Here is a list of school boards.)

You do not need to send a copy of the letter to your child’s principal, but it is generally considered a common courtesy. 

What is a Letter of Intent? How do I Fill one out? And Do I need to?

A letter (or notice) of intent is simply paperwork that informs your local schoolboard of your decision to homeschool. From PPM131, “Parents who decide to provide home schooling for their child(ren) should notify the school board of their intent in writing. Parents should provide the name, gender, and date of birth of each child who is receiving home schooling, and the telephone number and address of the home. The letter should be signed by the parent(s).

The policy has a simple form you can fill out, or you can use the templates and examples provided by the Ontario Federation of Teaching Parents (OFTP). There is no specifically required version to follow.

Please note, this is not a request for permission to homeschool your child. It is simply a letter provided to let the school board know that you are now homeschooling.

You are not required to fill out any information other than those listed above. You do not need to fill out a learning plan, provide details of curriculum or materials you will use, or anything else, even if the school board asks or there are additional pages in the forms you are using. Those questions and details are there for situations that a school board would need to investigate.

The notice of intent is requested to be filled out every year.

Homeschoolers in Ontario can decide if they want to submit this letter or not as it’s not law, but a recommended policy. There are reasons to, if you decide to, such as:

  • for legal purposes or for the comfort of knowing their decision has been covered
  • to use the letter the school board sends back as proof for potential discounts or access to programs or services
  • for government services such as social assistance or for the CRA.
This is the sample letter of intent to homeschool in Ontario

Do I need to give reports?

Ontario is a no report province, which means that you don’t need to hand in any proof of learning completed or fill out any reports. You are not obligated to keep any records of what you have learned.

That being said, I would personally recommend that keep something as evidence on the incredibly rare scenario that you are investigated. Also, when you are heading into the high school years, it can be helpful to have some kind of record of what your child learned in their late elementary / middle school years if you decide to use a program like the ILC or an online school. These records can be as simple as a few examples of completed work, your planner for the year showing what you completed, or a detailed description of the courses and activities completed each year. I’ve heard of people who create folders on their computer to keep files and photos in. It’s completely up to you.

Does my child need to do any testing?

When you homeschool in Ontario, your child is not required to complete any testing. This means your child doesn’t have to complete a test to go to the next level nor do they need to take part in the standardized testing (EQAO) that schools hold for students in grades 3, 6, 9 or the literacy test in grade 10.

You are allowed to optionally participate in the tests if you would like. Contact your local school board for details on how to do this.

Is there a tax credit or funding offered for homeschooling in Ontario?

There is no tax credit or funding offered to homeschoolers in Ontario. In many cases, funding comes with some kind of government involvement. In Ontario, most homeschoolers are thankful for the unconditional nature of our education method that allows us to teach how, when, and what we want.

Where do I get the curriculum to homeschool in Ontario?

Homeschoolers in Ontario are not required to follow any specific curriculum or learning outcomes.

The Ministry of Education has the general Ontario curriculum available for free on their website for both elementary and secondary. These are divided up by subject, not by grade. (Get the Ontario Government Curriculum listed in easy to use, grade-by-grade checklists.)

You can closely or loosely follow these learning outcomes, if you want to. Some parents do this so their children will stay at the same level as their peers in the case they have to be re-integrated into the public system, or because they feel more confident in their homeschooling choices.

Keep in mind that even if you follow the above learning guidelines, there are no specific books, resources, or materials you are required to use. In fact, you likely can’t even access materials used in a traditional school setting as a homeschooler anyway. 

Many homeschoolers choose other methods of homeschooling that have nothing to do with the Ministry of Education’s planned curriculum. These are all perfectly legal for parents to do. 

You can pick how and what you want to learn and with which resources (if any). This freedom is one of the big perks of homeschooling in Ontario. You can make the choice for yourself. I highly recommend that you work your way through my “How to Plan Your Homeschool Year” post to decide what you will learn this year and what curriculum options to choose from.

If we homeschool, can my child ever go back to school if we decide to? 

Typically, you can change between homeschooling and using the school system at any time. This might vary based on availability in your local school or situations such as closures due to strikes or like we saw during the pandemic. In the elementary years, students are usually admitted to the grade they would be in according to their age, not necessarily their skill level.

High school is somewhat different, as some courses require prerequisite learning. For high school, there may be options to test for skill and knowledge or to submit details about what you have already covered so that your child can gain credit for completed work. This will depend on the school and program. 

Do homeschoolers get a diploma in Ontario?

The only way for a homeschooler to get a government-issued diploma in Ontario (OSSD) is to complete credits and requirements through an accredited program. Some people don’t consider this to be real homeschooling as your child essentially enrolls in an online school. A student who continues to homeschool using independent curriculum will not receive an OSSD. They can receive a parent-made diploma, if desired, to validate their high school work. 

If you are homeschooling through high school, check out this blog post about how to homeschool high school in Ontario – which walks you through the steps and things to consider.

Resources for Homeschoolers in Ontario

The Ontario Federation of Teaching Parents (OFTP) is the best resource for parents new to homeschooling. It gives a breakdown of the laws and provides parents with blank letters of intent that they can fill out and mail to provided school board addresses. The site also provides a list of homeschooling groups by area. You can use the information on their site for free and/or become a member of the OFTP for a small fee.

HSLDA Canada is a Christian “non-profit organization devoted to protecting, empowering, and advancing home education in Canada.” They “provide legal services and professional homeschool support”  to their members. This is an optional service that some people find very helpful. 

Learning House is a homeschooling bookstore based out of Bradford Ontario. They offer thousands of options for curriculum and resources – including the opportunity to talk to experienced homeschoolers for help on choosing what might work best for your family.

In Conclusion: 

Compared to some other provinces, homeschooling in Ontario is very easy. The freedom here allows families to enjoy their experience without red tape. Hopefully this post answered most of your questions about homeschooling in this province.


This post was originally written by Sandra Hart – mother of 4, in 2012 and updated in 2020. It has been completely rewritten in 2023 with updated links and resources to provide the most accurate information currently available.

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Ontario Elementary Level Curriculum Checklists

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How to Homeschool in Canada: 6 Steps To Start Your Journey
How to Homeschool in Canada

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The Legalities of Homeschooling in Canada: A Quick Guide

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Lisa Marie Fletcher
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168 thoughts on “Homeschooling in Ontario: How to Get Started”

  1. Dr. Mobarak Ali

    To Whom It May Concern
    We are Canadians from Toronto, ON living in Saudi Arabia and would very much like to have our children homeschooled here with Canadian curriculum. They have been here for about 8 years now and are not satisfied with the educational system here. Son GR 9; Son GR 8, & Daughter GR 4.
    Please advise how we can benefit from your homeschool program and how we can register to start right away.
    We would like to know how the program works, costs and recognition by Canadian Colleges and Universities.
    Thank you and hoping to hear from you soon.

      1. I homeschool my teenage son who is currently in grade 11…he is wanting to have the high school experience and wants to go to public school for grade 12…he knows he will not graduate with the others becasue he will not have the credits, but just wants to experience what public high school is like. Is that a possibility?

        1. Quite possibly. Contact your local high school and see if you can talk to the guidance counselors there. They might be able to help answer your questions about this better than I can.

          1. Hi there. I’m starting out and would like to talk to someone about what I need to do. I don’t know where to start. I’ve sent the letters but don’t know where to get my lessons. I have 2- 12. Yr. Olds in grade 7. Can someone reach out and help me. My email is […]


          2. Hey Jessica,
            As a homeschooler in Ontario, you can decide which programs and curriculum to use. That can be both a blessing and a stress. If you check out my post here: I walk through the steps of how to pick curriculum. You can also find some Canadian resources listed here:
            If you are free, you are welcome to join in my online homeschool conference that starts on Monday Feb 7th. You can find out more here:

    1. hi Dr.Mubarak
      I am a mom of 2 boys we are also Canadian but from Alberta and we live currently at Saudi Arabia at The Eastern Province Al Hassa. we have been here for 5 months but I am shocked with the schools and education system and I am very interested at canadian home schooling, i came across your message and was interested, if you don’t mind, to know what are you up to in this issue and if you were able to figure out a way to get your kids registered in homeschooling. thanks for your time

      1. You would have to live in Canada to be able to register for homeschooling. Sorry about your experience with their education system.

          1. Hi Briane,
            First step is to understand the regulations. Usually that means sending in a letter of intent to your local school board. Once that’s done – you are set. There is no other paperwork required (even if the school tries to convince you there is) When you homeschool in Ontario – you are outside the system and can choose to homeschool how and with whatever resources you would like.
            I hope that helps.

          2. Hi, Briane

            I live in Hamilton Ontario as well and I started to home school my daughter she is 9 years old. I just filled out a HWDSB letter is called indicating Notification of intent of providing home schooling fill it out. You have a choice to email or fax I choose fax. They responded with a letter in a few weeks confirming they got it, I also notify her school with a phone call, you can find this letter on their HWDSB website if your children is from public school. Very simple form they don’t ask Why lol.
            Hope this help and God bless!

      2. While you my need to live in Canada to use the official Canadian Homeschooling curriculum, I would definitely contact the Ontario Federation of Teaching Parents, and any other type of authority on this matter, before giving up hope on my child’s education, because you and your children are Canadian, and they deserve a Canadian education. Period. Are you still citizens of Canada that are just currently living in Saudi Arabia ? Or permanent residents of Saudi Arabia now ? Because that probably makes a huge difference too, if your children are still Canadian Citizens, they very well may be entitled to a Canadian education. It is not surprising to me the school systems in countries on the other side of the world are not up to your standards, especially in places like that, that are not known for their education, hell some of those places don’t even educate females, so this is not surprising to me, because places like Canada and the United States, have superior education systems, hence the reason a lot of them flee their countries to come here to have a better chance at life. Anyway I would look into it thoroughly, until I’ve exhausted every resource, and if they do turn you down, there are a lot of homeschooling programs that you can pay for, that would likely not turn away your money, especially if your Canadian to begin with, there are also online tutors that would be more then happy to teach your children the Canadian curriculum, but you would have to pay for such programs, but if you can afford it, then it’s worth it. Not much different then paying for college. If you can afford to pay to make sure your child has the best education possible, then that’s definitely the best route to go, I certainly wouldn’t just take anyone on this site at their word, because they may, or may not, know what they’re talking about. And I wouldn’t take no for an answer. Unless I’m being told
        No by the proper authorities on this.

      1. Hi where can I order the curriculum for my 5 years old boy for senior kinder garden but I didn’t sent him last year either so maybe I should get the JK as well I just would like to know when can I purchase thanks I am in Ontario we live about 2 hours from Ottawa

        1. Hey Sandra,
          There is no “official” curriculum that you can buy as an all-in-one package. Most people either pick curriculum as a mix and match kind of plan or as a boxed set from an available resource. If you want to know what they teach in Kindergarten here in Ontario, you can look here:
          To pick curriculum, you need to first figure out what subjects / topics you are going to teach this year, how your child learns, and then consider a few questions to narrow down your options. From there, you can search. Kindergarten is mostly playbased and curiosity driven, so aim to play and have fun together. Check out this post about how to plan your homeschool year. It walks through most of the steps for picking curriculum:

        2. lysandra johnson

          Hey Sandra I am not far from Ottawa either and have two kids at home now. I’ve decided to keep them home bc of the mask enforcement. I’m getting the school to prepare packages for my kids to complete at home. It’s a 2 week schedule.

          1. Hi
            I am if we homeschool our children they don’t get any credits and won’t have a high school diploma? How does that work for life? I’m really concerned about that. Also- is it possible to hire a homeschooler ? My sister in law has homeschooled her ten children and told me that they literally did maybe two hours of school a day max. I am wondering therefore if someone can come in and do the homeschooling for those two hours a day? Do I make any sense probable not lol

          2. Yes, you are right. Technically, you don’t have a government issued OSSD if you don’t use an accredited program through high school. They earn a homeschool diploma instead.
            And yes, someone else can teach your kids. As a homeschool parent, it’s your responsibility to ensure your child has an education – there’s no requirement for the who or how it happens. 🙂

    2. Hello, I would like to homeschool other children as well as my own. Kind of like a home School daycare for elementary aged children. Does this concept exist in Ontario?

      1. As far as I know, this is an acceptable option in Ontario, yes. From

        “I’d like to homeschool other people’s children. Is that legal? How can I go about offering the service?
        Tutoring is, of course, legal, and so is daycare. If you’d like to offer a full-day solution for several families in which the parents work full-time and still want their children to be homeschooled, there is nothing in the Education Act nor PPM131 that would disallow it. The parents still retain responsibility for ensuring the children receive “satisfactory instruction,” and hiring a full-day tutor or educational daycare provider is one way they can do that. The educational aspect of it is covered by the Act’s phrase “at home or elsewhere.” For the care-provider aspect of it, you must abide by any relevant rules and ratios in the Day Nurseries Act if there are any children under the age of 5. Assuming all the children are of school age, though, the situation is similar to that of the many after-school daycare providers who take several children into their own homes after school while waiting for the parents to be off work. The difference is that you would be taking care of the children’s education as well, and the hours would be school hours (or whatever hours the parents work) rather than after-school hours.”

      2. Hi Natalie, I am also looking to do what you are. The intensity of bullying is so out of control it’s awful. Please advise me if u know how can I home school up to ten children out of a home that is currently empty but will be renovated to help these victims,, ty

    3. There is an important distinction between homeschooling and ‘school at home’. You can probably find some curriculum workbooks online to use in coordination with the provincial curriculum guidelines for school at home. The provincial guidelines will let you know what they have as learning objectives but not how to teach them. It may be enough to read through them to assure yourself that your children are not missing out. Best of luck with whatever you choose.

  2. I have a child who was being bulled in school and now is being the buller so I was considering taking her out and teaching her at home. Some other mother’s were saying that if I choose to teach her at home I would lose the childtax and the trillium and gst apparently: I just wanted to know is that true.

    1. From What I know and the peopleI have asked you do not lose any money. I haven’t lost anything and neither has anyone else. -Lee

      1. I just recently contacted the Government to ask this question because I am thinking very seriously of homeschooling my kids and I was told that NO you don’t lose any benefits because it is none of the governments business (that is what the person I spoke to said). You just have to keep the government informed of any changes in your home ie: moving, divorce/separation, kids going to live with a relative and no longer living in your home.

    2. That’s not true because I Homeachool my daughter and I still recieve the child tax and alL that. Don’t listen to them, you are the parent. To h&%# with him.

  3. Stephanie Williams

    Can I homeschool my child even though I have no high school diploma ? I don’t have a diploma due to bullies . I want my child to learn in a fun , safe and loving environment.

    1. Hi Stephanie, You do not have to have a diploma to homeschool your child. Anyone can do it! If you want to talk more please email us

  4. Jefferson Wagenknecht

    Hi, i’m from Brazil and I have a six months daughter, but I’m really concerned about hers education, here in Brazil homeschooling it’s prohibited, people went arrested some times because of it, I have a friend there in Canada, and I would like to know if the fact that I want to practice the homeschooling would help me to get a permanent visa, of course I’ll work too, but the most important for me is her education, here in Brazil the schools are terrible and things are getting worse every day…

    1. Wanting to homeschool won’t help you get into the country but I don’t believe it would hinder it either. Good luck and if you need any more information about homeschooling in our country feel free to contact us.

  5. i have been homeschooling my kids for 2 years now.I pulled them out of school because of bullying issues but didn’t tell the school as i did not wan tto be frowned upon and now after 1.5 yrs Canada revenue is reviewing my benefits and asking for teh money back as i dont have school letter and did not register tehm for homeschooling.I thought it was not mandatory and now we r in trouble.

      1. Good day,
        Would you kindly share those resources with me as well. My Child tax benefits are under review and lm asked to provude school report cards? I have homeschooled from the beginning.

    1. I contacted the government and I was told that they can review your file and ask for any money to be paid back to them if you don’t let them know of any changes in your home.

  6. Hi, I have a 2yr old son who I want to homeschool starting at around age 4yrs. How can I find educational materials to help him transition to full-time homeschooling over the next 2 years?

    1. Hi Krystle, I have some contacts in Ontario that would be able to help you plus we run a store that sells curriculum for 50% off of regular price. You can email us for more information.

  7. i need a lot more info on home schooling, i want to take mine out of the school system i am having a lot of problems with teachers, my children are begging to not go back, bu ti am being told i have to pass a test first. i am in mississauga, can someone email me more info in regards to this how i start home schooling them, support groups in my area, and if i actually need to pass a test, i have a 13 year old special needs, 12 year old, 9 year old, 5 year old, 4 year old. thanks so much

    1. Hi Jennifer, You do NOT have to pass a test and can pull your children and start homeschooling at anytime. I have some support people who can help you so email us or more information. -Lee

    2. Hi Jennifer. I have a 13 year old special kid too. I will be homeschooling her for high school. I live in Mississauga. Feel free to email me if you wish to chatt.

  8. Hello. I’m considering removing my son from gr 9. He is being bullied constantly and HHS school does nothing about it. But I’m scared. He is already on an iep and taking essential. I don’t know where to start. Please some advice. Ty

  9. The things I’m reading about informing an Ontario school board of intent to homeschool all talk about submitting the letter every year “before September.” Does that mean that my child has to stay enrolled in her public high school school until June is done? Or can I send in my letter of intent and have her be officially withdrawn to homeschool starting now, in January? And if *can* do that, what happens to her currently enrolled courses on her transcript?

    1. Hi Stephanie, The best thing you can do is email us and I can put you in touch with someone who can answer these questions. -Lee

      1. Hello.
        I live in Lindsay, ON, and would also like to know if I can have my son exempted from school part way through the school year.

  10. I am interested in having my son homeschool. Is there a group of teachers in Toronto that provides homeschooling or do I have to quit my job and do it myself?

    1. Usually homeschooling is done by the parents all though I have heard of families hiring private teachers to help with their children’s education.

    2. Lots of homeschooling families also have to work. Depending on the age of the child and curriculum used (online, book & paper, etc) they can do a lot of the work themselves. Virtual schools and online curriculum are options if the child is motivated and old enough to be home while you are at work.
      If the child is not old enough to be home alone, homeschooling families sometimes swap with each other to help each other out. the great thing about homeschooling is that it doesn’t have to happen between 8:30am and 3pm. It can be done in the evenings, on holidays and weekends. 🙂

  11. Hey I’m Carrie from ontario Canada and I was wondering can my child be pulled from school at any given moment to be homeschooled? And when I send the intent letter do I have to wait for a response before I pull my kid out of her school? She’s in high school and all her work is online. We go through an online homeschooling system.

      1. Hi,
        I live in Brampton and I have two boys in public school, grade 4 and 1. I’m having challenges with first grader as his learning style is different than my older one and he gets compared a lot as he is slow at learning. I feel that one-on-one support will be ideal for him as I’m planning to change my work schedule to meet his needs. If I decide to homeschool him starting in February 2022, is it possible or do I have to wait until new school year?

  12. Hello Lee, I have a child in grade 9 in Toronto and I am planning to homeschool my child. What I have to tell the high school office when I shall pull my child from school? Furthermore, do You have a list of reliable online schools that offer low price high school classes in Ontario or Canada? I have done a research and the prices are around 450 $cad per course for online courses. Thank You for Your time. – Loreta

    1. Hi Loreta, Please email us and I can get you in touch with my Ontario contact and other support groups!! -Lee

    2. You can check out the independent learning centre as well. Because you are in toronto they can offer the courses in school or at home. I think your child would already have to be out of school to start. But there courses are only $40/each. I myself had completed 8 courses in one year. And you work at your own pace. If you need help they are more than happy to do so.

  13. Hello, I am very interested in pulling my grade 7 daughter out of school for the remainder of the year and possibly grade 8. Our school has asked us to leave because we had no place to live, so we opted for a house that is considered “out of district” They won’t even let her finish the school year, and have cancelled bussing. Please help!

  14. Hello, I was enrolled as a home schooler for grade ten. I was for that year following curriculum books on my own and for the following years(11 and 12 ) doing Ilc courses. I have a few optional courses left but now Ilc has asked me to show documentation for grade ten to prove my credits.I was wondering if you could tell me how homeschoolers can attain credits for their homeschooling years. Furthermore, I was wondering if credits from schools abroad can be transferred to your ost. I’d really appreciate any information I can get regarding attaining equivalency credits for my grade ten,

  15. I was also hoping if you can give me any information regarding Plar assessment for mature students. Does Plar give equivalency for Canadians who took some courses abroad, thanks

  16. My girls are in Montessori and have never been in Public School. If I decide to homeschool them in September will I need to send a note to the board anyway?

  17. Hi, I have pulled my son out off school due to they way he was being treated at the school from the teachers, and am going to home school him until school starts again in the fall, (hopefully a new school) and was looking for any ideas of where I can come up with work to finish off his Grade 6 year. Any input would be helpful. Thanks

  18. I live in Mississauga and would like to homeschool my daughter for the last few months of grade 5. She is wasting her time at school and I believe I am better able to prepare her for middle school than her current teacher. If I remove her now how easily will I be able to re-register her – or ‘put her back in the system’ – for middle school?

  19. Hi,
    I have a seven years old son and I have been home schooling him since 2011. Now I received mail from Canada revenue and they are asking for his school attendance and I never registered him because I did not know about it. So what should I do?
    Any help will greatly be appreciated!

    1. Sorry that it’s so late in response, but I’ve sent you an email.

      In Ontario, it’s only recommended that you inform the board of your intent to homeschool – it’s not required. I’m not sure why Revenue Canada needs to know anything. I hope that you have found some answers!

  20. Hello Lee,

    I live in North Bay, ON and I’m planning on homeschooling my 11 year old son starting in September. I don’t feel the local school board is helping to prepare him for the demands of high school and university. Is there a homeschooling support group in North Bay or someone I could contact to get some direction regarding pulling him from his current school and choices of curriculum? Thank you in advance for your help.

  21. Hi there, I am pulling out my 7th grader for the remainder of the year and possibly grd 8. Can you tell me where I may find virtual courses on-line? Or the best curriculum for Ontario. He may re-enter school in ged 9 so i want to keep him up to date.
    Thank you.

    1. Hi there. If you are looking for online schooling for Ontario, you might want to check out – Admittedly I’m not completely familiar with it, but it is an online option. Other than that, you can either mix and match your own materials based on what the Ontario curriculum outline is, or based on what you want to learn with your child this year. Here’s a link to the Government outlines:

  22. I’m a concerned grandmother. If no one checks on children who are being homeschooled what’s to stop those children who get very limited homeschool eduction falling through the cracks? I’m very concerned about the lack of education my grandchildren receive. They range from age 8 to 14yrs.

    1. I can understand your concern, but remember, homeschool does not equal public school. There is a system in place that the government set to make sure that school to school are somewhat synchonious in their learning, but it doesn’t mean that is the only way or the best way for kids to learn. Lots of homeschool kids don’t follow the same ideals or expectations of a government curriculum and succeed in life just fine. That’s one of the beauties of homeschooling – teaching what kids want to learn about – tailoring their education to their passions instead of forcing them to learn something just because it’s on the list. From the outside looking in, I could see how it looks like failing (and there probably are instances where they really aren’t learning much), but most of the time, things are just different than you are looking for. I hope that helps a little.

  23. I have a gifted child in Grade 1. The school is making no accommodations for her and in fact will not even allow her to read at her own level. She is an only child and I would like to homeschool for math and English but leave her in school for the remaining subjects. Do you know if the board allows this?

    1. Hi Christine,

      Here’s some information from about part-time school enrollment in Ontario. It sounds like it’s on a school by school / case by case situation. If your school won’t work with you on this plan, another option could be to enrich her learning at home in addition to what she’s doing at school? Since you know your child best – you are likely to be able to find a way to keep her challenged enough!

      I hope that helps.

    1. The laws for homeschooling in high school are the same for any grade. I believe the law states something to the effect that “a child is excused from school so long as are receiving a satisfactory education at home or elsewhere”. We are starting to homeschool two of our kids in grade 9 in September using an accredited program called ABEKA, but there is lots of material available out there.

  24. I see a lot of comments from people in Mississauga, Ontario. I am also in Mississauga and have just finished our first year of homeschooling five of my children (two in GR.8, one in GR.6, one in GR.1 and one in GR.2. We pulled them out of a Christian school previously. I get a lot of questions about how we can do it – who do we report to, what about testing, etc. People cannot understand that we do not need to “report” to anyone and we are not required to do testing. This just shows you how the public school has indoctrinated parents as well as children. Our children belong to us, not the government/public schools. In this country we can educate our children however we see fit. Since we were not in the public schools, we do not send a letter of intent to our local schools. I will admit however that I am waiting for that knock on the door by someone questioning why our kids are not in school. There are people in our school boards who are also indoctrinated into thinking they own our children.

    1. HI Dorothy, I also live in mississauga and cannot find any homeschooling support groups or homeschooling parents. I would like to home school my kids and connecting with other moms and kids will be a big help. Any homeschoolers in Mississauga can please email me..would be greatly appreciated

  25. There is a very good documentary out there called “IndoctriNation – Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America” (there is also a website/blog). I would highly recommend this to any parent with children in a government/public school.

  26. This was a great article.

    I’m part of a new group that just started an online high school.

    We are only doing math; with the goal of being the best at it! Many of the new virtual high schools are attempting to launch with 40 courses over night… We are taking a slow route and trying to do things right…

    It’s a great and affordable option if you’re interested in doing your math online (courses range from $349 to $449)…

    If you have any interest feel free to email me at

    Or see our website:

  27. It build up my confidence in finding this website, comments and links about the different ways to transition from public school to homeschool. My son has a physical disability and eventhough we tried for many a yearfor him to adapt to the general educational system, I feel their methods enabled him to be more depend, and in someways depress the desire to learn. Now, since late September we have moved, temporarily located in Toronto, submitted a letter of intent and he has started homeschooling. Unfortunately, a Social worker decided to call Family and Children Services to see how he is doing! WHY? In my books she was out of line, and has no premise for this call. The Social Worker based out of Sickkids only had to send me an email or phone call as a polite courtesy. There is no legal monitoring of children who are homeschooling in Ontario , as per documentation.
    It is true there is this brain washed indoctrination that we as parents/ society feed into by compiling with a system; if it worked properly- wholistically, mindful of the individual and enable his or her learning, instead of being a ‘machine’, the ‘blah,blah,blah meetings, just to get the child/student on to the next grade, then I would not be reading the frustration of other parents words as I type out my own comments. I was raised to be polite and compile with the status quo; not to question authority. However, I have realized through out my adult life and raised 5 children the following: the educational system doesnot and will NEVER fit all our childrens’ learning needs. As parents to realize and truly explore the learning journery for your child(ren) is a wonderful gift, and I applaud the eadeavors of the homeschooling-i.e., ‘thinking outside the box’/expertial learning.

    1. Thank you for sharing your experience. I’m sorry that you had to deal with the hassle of a check. And I 100% agree with you. Every child is completely different – how is a cookie cutter program supposed to fit the needs of each one.

  28. Hello,
    Great website!
    I am considering withdawing my son (age 11) from the Public School system in Orangeville due to his anxiety and ‘School Refusal’. I was wondering if the Letter of Intenet has to be hand delivered to the School Board and Pricipal, or is it satisfactory to fax or mail it?
    Also, are there any parents of kids with anxiety and/or ‘School Refusal’ that have any suggestions? I’m trying to do what is best for his education and hoping this is the right decision.

    1. I’m pretty sure mailing it is a totally acceptable option. You can find a list of board addresses (and a sample letter) here:

      If you are on Facebook, join our Homeschool Swap: Canada fb group – there are a LOT of amazing homeschooling parents there that I’m sure will be able to help you with answers about your anxiety issues and your son. 🙂

    2. I have 3 children that I pulled out of the public school system due high anxieties and social phobias. It is very rough and intense for them to be in school at the hands of bullies and peer pressure to the point that they end up being traumatized. The public school system leaves a lot to be desired.

    3. I am in a similar situation I have a 11 year old daughter in Grade 6 and she has always not liked school and has anxiety! I am nervous and don’t know what to do. I want to make sure she receives and education but don’t know where to start as well. I have found the Complete Curriculum at Costco for grade 7 but don’t know if that would work. I too am looking for support or help on where even to start so she doesn’t get behind. In the end we want to make sure she graduates high school with OSSD. If you have found any information send my way please. Kim

      1. The only way to get an OSSD is to take accredited courses through a program like ILC, Virtual Learning Centre, or an online high school like Virtual High School or Blyth Academy. As you get started, your first step is to plan out what method of education meshes best with your child’s learning style and how you want to approach school. Then you find the curriculum you need that will meet that. 🙂 Have you checked out the How To ebook yet? 🙂 I have some ideas in there that might help.

  29. Influenced by the recent steps taken by the Ontario Government to mandate vaccinations and to update the questionable Sex Education Curriculum, I am considering coming out of retirement to be of help to parents who are not in agreement with these co-parenting antics and are choosing an alternative approach to schooling by way of Homeschooling and/or Tutoring assistance.

    I am a retired Elementary Primary Teacher ( Kgtn./Grade1/ Grade2) of 35 years and a retired Tutor, whose teaching approach has been based on ‘old school’ expectations.

    My specialties include Literacy… Sight Reading, Comprehension, Phonics, Spelling, Printing, Journaling/Story Writing and Poetry; Basic Math…providing concepts for the mastery and retention of addition/subtraction & multiplication facts; Nature Studies/Stories… to instill a love of animals, ‘little creatures’, plant life and nature in general.

    ALSO…(as yet to be Marketed for public use )…
    I have created a UNIQUE and HIGHLY EFFECTIVE … READING PROGRAM… and …PHONICS PROGRAM …which guarantee success in both areas as well as with Spelling.

    I am in Mississauga.

    Responses indicating if there is a need for my help.. ( possibly Coaching parent groups with regard to proven Methods/Programs;/ possibly Tutoring )…will determine my ‘back to work’ decisions from here.

    I can be reached at (NOTE: watsoc…NOT watson)

    Wishing the best to all in your schooling endeavours. (Ms.) D. Watson M.of ED.

  30. I live in Toronto and I have a 12 year old daughter who has been home schooled since midway through Grade 5. She initially was in a French Immersion school and not only found it very difficult with the French language but she was bullied and cyber bullied by a student in the same class as her and the school didn’t do anything to stop it.

    I would like to use ILC for high school home schooling but I don’t understand what it means when they say an “achievement record for Grade 8” is required along with the signed “letter of intent to home school” from the school board when registering for the Grade 9 courses. If testing is not required throughout elementary school, and I am doing the teaching, how do I provide this record?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    1. Hi Laura,

      I’ve heard mixed reviews of the ILC in terms of homeschooling through high school. Some people have really had a hard time with their administration and others seem to have been accepted ok. One reader in 2011 told me that the ILC wanted the actual physical copies of the books they had used in Grade 8 to make sure it aligned to the curriculum.

      I’d recommend connecting directly with them to see what they require explicitly in terms of the Grade 8 record. Here is where to find their information:

      Hopefully that can help.

  31. Is there anyway I can get a teacher in to my home to teach my child so she does not have to go to will be easier not having to teach her myself, because of my job.School had just out to much stress onto her so I feel homeschooling is the best option.

    1. Hi Jessica,

      In Ontario, you can teach your child however works best. So if a tutor works, that should be fine!

      Just know, though, that you will have to pay for the tutor yourself and that your child will still not get credit towards a diploma through a tutor if they are working on high school. (But don’t let that stop you! I just wanted you to be aware!)

      All the best!
      Lisa Marie.

  32. Hi, The school system has let us down in so many ways since my 6yr old Daughter began school 1 and half yrs ago,and even worse problems with my just-turned-5yr old Son’s jk teacher.As a result I desperately have decided to homeschool.I have my letter of intent signed and ready.The problem is I am a single Mother on SocialAssistance(OntarioWorks),and today O.W’s told me that they have their OWN Legislation which requires I not only follow a curriculum but their policy is to call ChildrensAid immediately following my decision!I am so upset and confused by this!Is this true?Any answers would be greatly appreciated.Our decision to homeschool is also to allieviate my Children’s anxiety and mine,not make it even worse.The Principal even signed off on my intent form,tho I was told she didn’t have to,how is it I can do everything right in regards to this,but still end up threatened with an investigation?

    1. Hi there. I’m so so sorry that you are having this problem. I wish that the various levels of government and community support services were more educated on homeschooling, how it works, and the rights & responsibilities of homeschoolers.

      You are right – the letter of intent is all you need. There is no obligation by law to follow any curriculum. Why they think they should call the CAS on your decision is beyond me – choosing to homeschool your child because it’s in their best interest sounds like a caring and concerned parent, not a neglectful one. What a silly thing to say.

      I recommend checking out this resource: – in fact the whole website is extremely helpful. Plus, if it’s possible to get some money – it might be worth investing in either joining the OFTP or the HSLDA ( – the legal defence group for homeschoolers. They would be able to back you if needed.

      All the best. I hope you get a positive outcome.

      Lisa Marie.

  33. Hi there. I have SO many questions. For starters, my 15 year old son with aspergers has. Just started a new high school after we moved across the province. I am a single sahm to 5 kids. My son has an IEP etc, but hates his new school, the bullying is awful. He is stating he will drop out at 16, and I can’t blame him! I need to know if I can legally pull him from school now, what steps are to be taken to do it properly, and how I could start home schooling him near the end of the school year. If someone could help out with answers asap I would be eternally grateful.

  34. I am an Ontario resident looking to take our kids out of school and home school them – we want them to experience more of the world and travel with them. Can I still home school them, if were not always living in Ontario?

  35. Hi there!
    My son is 13 and his school is holding him back in grade 7 because he was absent a lot due to social anxiety. They made that choice with notifying me and I found out threw a letter the psychiatrist sent me, is that even legal? Anyway, the school has mentioned my son is well above average. Im thinking the v.p is being judgemental based on her son suffering from anxiety and severe depression and thinks she has the right to diagnose my child based on her experiences ( she tells me I should get different medical opinions because when I let her know that the family doctor doesn’t feel that my child suffers from what she wants to believe he has.) all together, she has a problem. She has mentally and emotionally impacted me and my child. So I want to home school. Would I have to redo grade 7 with him, like will it be recorded somewhere? Or do I just get into grade 8? When it get to going to high school, I want him back in school and I’m confused on how will they accept him back. Will he need to be tested or something?
    Sorry for the long comment and hope to hear back from you.

    1. Hi Marlene,

      Everyone I’ve spoken to about this idea has said that you can take your child out and put them back into high school simply by registering at the high school when it’s time. That they classify by age not by skill level. No one I spoke to had any testing or required documentation. All you do is register and sign up for the classes he wants to take.

      That being said, I don’t know if your experiences will be different so I apologize if that happens to be the case.

      I hope you can find a positive solution for both you and your son.

      Lisa Marie.

  36. ISSUES IN QC (surprise….)

    wondering if anyone can help me get around the ridiculous nonsense of the quebec school board.
    I am currently ZEN schooling my almost 9 yr old daughter (would be starting gr 4 in sept)
    We were born and raised in ontario, she went to private school in ontario for 2 yrs and then we moved to quebec following a divorce, because of the adjustment, i felt it best for both of us she go to school, I had the right under the charter to put her in english school but I put her in french school so she’d learn and she did, fast. by age 6 she was fluent in eng and french both spoken and written, reading at a grade 5 level in english and grade 1 level in french. after grade 2, (2 yrs in french school), many $$$ in ridiculous fees and expenses to the school board (and i mean 300-600 per year! when meanwhile I work from home anyways….) and allot of disappointment with the BS, my girl constantly coming home crying for being bullied and beaten up for being an anglophone (she never had problem anywhere else, just here, different up bringing i guess) and I mean some of the nasty vulgar things she reluctantly repeated….coming from kids age 5-7? wheres it really come from?…
    Despite “anti bully laws” teachers told her many times, they didn’t want to hear it, and my daughter was miserable. On top of that, the english education part is a joke… dog, blue, etc… she was not learning proper english and forgetting what she already knew.
    It seemed to me that the school was UNteaching her everything I worked hard to teach her!

    We decided to try switching her to the english board for grade 3 and aside from getting a truly amazing teacher who quickly realized how gifted she is, she want much happier… mostly same kids…. and she still wasn’t learning. I suspected she has ADD, Ive been treating her naturally (as a lic pract.) and it became clear the school couldn’t give her the learning methodologies she required in order to get back to where she once was.

    So I made the switch and what do you know? The fraction-decimal conversions shed struggled with all year suddenly made sense once i taught her. She now taking university level courses and we have a broad Zen/Buddhist centered curriculum including all extensive learning on all regions as well and she has a project proposal book in which she can be active in choosing some of the things shed like to learn about. (she’s the type of kid who asked what the meaning of life was at age 4 on the playground lol…always full of questions and i know that with the right direction and education, her limit in life is galaxy high….i mean, even after 11 years of university and college, she teaches me things all the time lol)


    Ive recently been targeted by DPJ (youth protection) telling me that I am “neglecting my child” and “her wellbeing is at risk”. The extent of this report would make smoke come out of your ears if you’re a home scholar.
    Today i spent the second full day waiting around a courtroom only to be told to come back again next week. wasting MY workday, my child schedule (who’s looking out for her education and stability here?…ironic eh?)

    its seriously making me want to jump ship and high tail it back to ontario. but i have small roots down finally and don’t want to if i don’t have to.

    anyone had similar issues? and how did you overcome?

    i mean, I’ve asked school and DPJ workers for months to help me out with the procedure they would like me to take to make this acceptable to them and all they’ve told me is that i have to register her anyway and then ask the school boards PERMISSION to home school after filing an application and being interviewed and proving all lesson plans, curriculum, etc etc…. i mean, it would take me more time to do all that than it takes me to teach my kid! what a waste of time! and yet i still have to pay the insane taxes…. ugh!

    even after i said, ok, ill do what you want, then can we discontinue this inefficient use of everyones time and limited resources? (i happen to have recently encountered a pregnant mother of 3 who drinks like a lush and smokes this and “that”, abuses her kids and only talks about how much more money she’ll get after the fourth one. and then found out she’s been reported to DPJ several times but they never did anything! I grew to love 3 of her kids as an acquaintance of the fathers who has them part time and i ended up caring for them often (days at a time on my own!) and eventually housing them and being the first one to bake with them, show them what carving a pumpkin was, doing crafts with them, teaching them a song, READING to them!…..I did this only because they needed a mom so much and i felt that they should be removed from the parents care completely but didn’t want to see them go through that. the youngest is 2 and swears non stop, even in her sleep, its really scary….the oldest is 6 and can’t even spell her name in her first language. and she has gone to daycare and then school every day of her life pretty much. (where mine was reading and wring before stepping foot in school and daycare? hell no!) I realize all kids are different but parent enrichment has ALLOT to do with it and IM the one being attacked here? infuriating for me as I want nothing more than to have another, ended my marriage after years of fertility …. i came to qc thinking it was my only hope, as per the free invert and donor program that was abolished 3 years after i started making 90 min trips into montreal to see a dr that did nothing but run tests on me only to tell me the same thing i told him at the start and now, whoops the program is abolished. so all this, ,giving up my marriage and company, as perfect as a life as you could want, minus the baby i longed for and my daughter asked for non stop, breaks my heart to pieces 🙁

    The whole process, the workers have lied again and again, saying things that aren’t true and I have proof to state that. I feel they are just trying to give themselves an easy job…infiltrating themselves into my life wasting my time, messing up our schedule we worked hard to maintain and discriminating aghast me as an anglophone and home schooler, telling me I have to prove I am qualified to teach my kid (while I have miles of higher education than them lol)

    oh plus having 9 yr exp teaching kids yoga and starting the program in many schools as well as having always run the literacy program for every school my child attended.

    sorry for the long post here, hoping someone can relate and let me know if theres anything I can do to get the vipers teeth out of my back. thanks in advance 🙂

  37. Hello
    Really need some advice. I have a 6 year old son who has Down Syndrome and Autism. He had heart surgery at 5 months of age to repair his heart valves. He currently can’t stand without the help of a stander, doesn’t speak, and still in diapers. He has a team of workers (physio,OT,speech therapy) who come by regularly and keep pushing us to register him for school for this September. At this point I feel absolutely uncomfortable sending him to school at this point. I would like to work on his mobility and communication a little bit longer before (throwing him to the lions) . We have no problem eventually sending him to school if and when he can communicate and participate in different activitities rather than being left out of activities due to his condition. His workers do not seem to be very helpful as to our requirements or path to homeschool him because of their own opinions. I feel it would be in his best interest to be homeschooled until his communication skills are stronger and possibly send him to school when he is 7. Just wondering how to go about it and what our rights are in the matter. Thank you kindly.

    1. Hi there,

      It sounds like your little guy has been through a lot in his young life. Can I first of all commend you for taking a look at your child and making choices best suited to his needs?

      In Ontario, you absolutely can keep your child home and homeschool them as long as you need/want. All that is requested is that you send in a letter of intent to your local school board. You can see more about that here:

      After that, you are free to do whatever you’d like in terms of learning – so you can focus on language development and mobility, etc. as needed.

      Please let me know if you have any other questions I can help with.

      Lisa Marie.

  38. I am looking for any help in understanding.
    I plan on homeschooking this year, I also plan on taking my kids traveling through the states for 4 months. Is here any restriction in traveling?

  39. Hello! I am homeschooling my child who is turning 8 soon, but his father wants him to go to school. My child also wants to be homeschool. Who is to decide in this situation ? Thank you

    1. Hi there.

      I think you will have to have an open conversation with your husband about homeschooling and come to a decision together. Why is he pro-school? Maybe he has some negative ideas about homeschooling and they need to be explored together. I don’t know if there is any way to say “this person gets to decide” – because there are 2 parents and you have to work together.

      I hope you can find a solution.

  40. Hi there, before I read this website I felt alone thinking if I am making the right decision for my dughter’s education. However, after reading all the parents that took the decision with courage for the sake of their kid’s future. I know I’m in the right place. My question is, if is there any difference with the process to pulled my daughter out of a Catholic school or is the same as the Public School??
    And although I apesadumbrado made my decision I don’t know where to start and what is next… Any suggestion?

  41. Hello.
    I’ve been home schooling my son for three months now via ILC online courses in Toronto. Health reasons-severe anemia requiring testing every three months, a magnesium deficiency that was severe enough for hospital intervention.

    My ex is demanding to see marks, transcripts and he thinks home schooling isn’t working out as no exams have been done yet. It’s a one year program and he knows this.
    Now he wants to lower child support as well. He changed jobs and he’s yet to submit his past Notices of Assessment to the court or to me to verify this reduced income.
    What if any thing can my ex legally do to impact my son’s education?

  42. Hello, My husband and I are planning to spend a year travelling North America with our children. My son will be entering grade 9 when we are planning this trip. How difficult is it to re-enter the public school system if he wants to for grade 10? If he decides to do homeschool throughout high school , how does that affect his college or university applications? Thanks.

    1. Hi Leah,

      Travelling sounds like an amazing opportunity. 😀
      As for your son, although I don’t have personal experience with this, he should be able to rejoin the public system – you might just have to deal with figuring out if what you did during the year off will be given any credit for Grade 9. Universities and Colleges are starting to make policies about homeschooling applicants and what they expect directly. You should just keep records of what classes he does during his homeschooling years – course descriptions and a homemade transcript for example.
      If you are on Facebook, you might find it helpful to chat with some other homeschooling through high school parents. You can join us at Homeschool Swap Canada for example and ask for other people’s experience. 🙂

  43. i’m currently starting grade 11. i’ve brought up the idea of homeschooling since grade 3, and have actively tried to make it happen since grade 7. now i am starting it, but i don’t know where to start and what to do in regards to grading and examinations. i was told to go to my previous school for all the information, but upon arrival my principal says she doesn’t have any information for me, and spread false information to my parents and i (stuff like i do not pass classes, and that homeschooling doesn’t count to “real grades” or a “real education”). do i just buy textbooks, assess myself and then do an exam at any local school/my old school, or what am i supposed to do?

    1. Hi Lucy,

      I’m not sure who would have directed you to get support from your previous high school. Schools generally don’t offer a lot of support or help to homeschooling students because they don’t get funding for their school.

      I am not an expert in homeschooling through high school – I only have 1 child just starting his homeschool journey, but I know there are a lot of fully-homeschooled students who have gone on to university and successful lives.

      So, while homeschooling through in Ontario, unless you opt to take classes that are accredited through correspondence (like ILC) or online (like the Virtual Learning Centre or Virtual High School) – you are not going to get an official government-issued OSSD diploma. Homeschooling IS real education and a real option for education, but you need to understand that it is different. What you will need to do is keep a transcript of the credits that you are earning through your homeschool learning, and find a way to get a grade – whether that be through tests you take during the program or through evaluation by an adult looking at your work or some other plan. Keep a portfolio and detailed records of what you did learn. You might need to find an alternative way to apply to post-secondary if that’s your plan, and take into consideration their homeschooling admissions policies.

      Here are some helpful resources:

      I hope that helps a little.

      1. Hi there. Not sure who to contact or to talk to. I’m a grandmother who has an 11 granddaughter that is being homesschooled by my daughter. My granddaughter has been homeschooled for 2 years now. She’s 11 years old and can’t read, write or do math. I’ve asked my daughter why nothing is happening with her. She doesn’t give me an answer. I visited and tried to play number games with her and she got frustrated. She’s 11 years old and can’t read. My daughter doesn’t think anything is wrong with this. My granddaughter can’t go back into the main stream till she can read. I’m not sure my daughter is giving the proper home schooling. When I call her, the kids are shopping with mom or playing on their iPads. Can I get any ideas from you all as to how to treat this and get my granddaughter some help???? My daughter doesn’t know I’m asking these questions.

        1. Hi there. It sounds like you really care about your granddaughter. Having a supportive and caring family is a really great help when you are homeschooling.

          It sounds like school wasn’t working for your granddaughter if she couldn’t read or write or do basic math when your daughter pulled her out 2 years ago. Have you talked to your daughter about the reasons that lead to her choosing homeschooling as an option?

          Homeschooling certainly does look different than school, so they sound like they are enjoying the freedom and flexibility that this lifestyle offers – which is why she might always seem to be not doing what you’d expect.

          My first thought would be that it might be worth talking with your daughter in an open, non-judgemental discussion to find out more about their homeschooling experience. A lot of times homeschooling moms already feel kind of threatened because they are doing something different. If you are able to talk together openly, she might be able to explain some insights: what approach she is using to learning, if your granddaughter has learning challenges, if there are any behavioural issues or struggles, if your granddaughter has made any progress up to this point, if either of them could use your help, etc. You might be surprised at what you discover from this conversation that could help you, your daughter, and especially your grand daughter.

          If it turns out there are learning disabilities at play, I know of some resources that can help. Feel free to pop me an email at if you need some more ideas.

  44. my question is everything that you have said on this website is it still up to date to everything what’s going on right now in 2019?

    1. So far, yes. Ontario’s homeschooling laws haven’t changed. There are some new changes pending in the province of QC, but I’m waiting to find out for sure when (or if) they come into action.

  45. Hi ,
    I was wondering about how to get started with home schooling in Ontario. Also, about books that could possibly be bought and worked on. I am 15 soon turning 16 and i have always had trouble attending school. My attendance has always been a big problem. I have dealt with severe social anxiety disorder, depression and many other issues. Both me and my mom want to find something simple that I can do at home so I can finish my schooling.

    1. Hi Miranda,
      I think I emailed you already, but you can look into something like the ILC to get some credits for school through their correspondence program. (
      You might need to provide them with details about your schooling so far to make sure you have the requirements to register for their classes, and you will probably need to have proof of your letter of intent to show that you are being homeschooled.
      I hope that helps.
      Lisa Marie.

  46. A family member and his wife have chosen to home school their son who is twelve years old. Home schooling has been in effect right from the outset. With no curriculum standards to follow in Ontario (and they do not follow the Ontario Curriculum Guide, but operate “learning in the wild” or “barnyard schooling” as it is called ) their son is practically illiterate. How is it fair to have no guiding standards of learning to follow in home schooling in Ontario or other provinces without accountability? When and if this young man goes to high school, he will most certainly be at a serious disadvantage academically and otherwise and I can’t even imagine the challenge he will have as he strives to seek post secondary education or employment. Please note that I am supportive of home schooling and have another friend who home schooled all nine of her children within a structured environment. All of her children have done well as young adults. Conversely, when very limited academic skill based training/teaching takes place during home schooling such as the case with my family member and his son, what resource does this child who lacks important academic curriculum concepts have as he approaches adulthood? This is a very sensitive subject for obvious reasons.

    1. Hi there.
      Thanks for the message. You are right – here in Ontario, we have much freedom in our right to homeschool our children how and what we would like. It can be an incredible blessing to have that freedom. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule and there are times that freedom is exercised to the detriment of the child.

      Since I personally can’t speak on behalf of this particular family, the best I can offer is some advice to you who are looking at the family from the outside. Take some time to learn about their particular homeschooling method and why they chose it. What is their son learning and how? Talk to him – find out what he loves learning about and doing with his time? You might be surprised what he’s learned “in the wild.” 😉 Also, in good news, even at 12, it’s not a lost cause for his future. He can still learn to read and write and do all the other things. Sometimes, kids just need to motivation to do so and then explode through that moment like they are on fire!

      Remember, too, homeschooling is different for every single family. So your experience with the other family who ran a very structured learning environment is just one example. That won’t work for everyone, nor should it.

      It sounds like you are feeling concerned about this family and this child, and that’s great. It’s awesome to have someone in your corner wanting to support and encourage you. I do offer some advice on how to come alongside a family when you are concerned in this blog post, if it’s helpful for you:

  47. Hi everyone,

    I picked up my son from school today, first day back January 6, 2020 as I usually do and approximately twenty seconds into driving, he asked me if I could homeschool him. I was so shocked/worried/perplexed, I asked him what is homeschooling as we’ve never had such conversation before, he just turned 7 years old. Well, I’m a Montessori teacher by profession (Casa and Lower Elementary), I’m also an ABA/IBI Therapist and a Neuro-Educational Therapist.
    From 2005-2014 I operated a licensed home daycare. I’ve always wanted to teach my child but the only thing I feel I could not teach him was French and so I enrolled him in french immersion. He’s doing very well with french and always love school. After being home he told me that someone used the F-word at him during lunch recess. I’m so worried now, how do I make this possible, to homeschool him. My dilemma: I’m an independent contractor for the services I provide and if I withdraw 4-6 hours of service to homeschool him, there goes half of my income. Then the thought of assisting other families with homeschooling is a possibility but how to locate/find such interested ones?

    I’m located in Toronto( Scarborough). Any suggestions??? Opening my own school is another option, but ideally I’d prefer to own another home to set up such learning centre, instead of renting commercial space and paying increasing rent.

    If I were to teacher 3 other students at say $1000/-$1200/Month, I would start immediately. We have high regard for respect of self, others and our environment. We have a safe and positive environment at home and I strongly feel he’s starting to realize this is not the case everywhere. He’s still at such tender age where he’s finding “self” and realizing reality vs fiction and right vs wrong, I must be there for him, minimizing the impact of the “truths” of our dreadful yet beautiful world.

    1. Hi there,

      I know that you can absolutely teach other people’s kids, but I’m not fully sure on how you would go about finding people. It would probably be most likely that you would need to network and share your idea within a local homeschooling community that get to know you best.

      I’m sorry to hear that your son had a rough start the new year and I hope you can find a solution that will help you both succeed.

  48. Hello, I would like to ask if you have any information regarding homeschooling in Quebec.We’re not sure what we will do yet but we are trying to gather as much as possible for my younger brother. He is 12 and in the 7th grade or secondary 1 and he goes to an English school. Can he be home-schooled in French or English?

  49. Hello,

    I’m looking for a legit homeschooling site where I can temporarily home school while the carona virus is affecting the school system. I want to ensure they get credit for the work they’ve done – so it needs to be transferable to the school (when they eventually go back). Where do I start? I see some online links but not sure what’s what. Homeschoolers Please Help!

    1. Hey Sara,
      They aren’t going to give your child credit for the work you do while you are off.
      My advice – just spend time together for now until we hear from the school system about what plan they are putting together. I highly doubt they will just close schools and dump kids to do nothing.
      If you want to add in some learning, try some of the resources that I’ve listed here –>
      Lisa Marie

  50. Hi there. Great info. Thanks.
    My situation is that I am a Canadian citizen as is my 13-year-old son. We have been living in Slovakia for the last 10 years or so. He starts grade 9 in September and I would like to homeschool him through the Toronto school board. My previous Canadian residence was in Toronto. (I have an Ontario driver’s license, SIN, passport, etc.) Do we have to be physically present in Canada or can the homeschooling take place abroad? I am able to provide a Toronto address and phone number if necessary… any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Cheers, Peter.

    1. Hey Peter,
      From my understanding, if you reside in another country, you will need to follow by the rules and regulations of the country you are in. So do some research on homeschooling in Slovakia first. (I’m not sure what the laws are there.)

      Second, *if* you are allowed to homeschool and you have the freedom to choose the how and what – you can probably choose to use online programs like Blyth Academy or as international students (or maybe they might consider you Canadian – you would have to find out.) Technically, in Ontario, you don’t homeschool through a board. You homeschool independently from the school system and are exempt from their requirements. They offer no programs or resources specifically for homeschoolers.

      I hope that helps a little.

      Lisa Marie.

  51. Hi,
    I am an Ontario Certified Teacher, no kids of my own, but I am interested in the homeschooling process and teaching other families children. Is this a possibility? I would be looking at K-3 (potential to move up as the kids age) and was wondering if the children would still be able to graduate with their grade 8 diploma and move on to high school when it’s time.

    1. Yes, you can offer tutoring for families who want to have a teacher come in and help with their homeschooling. Homeschooled students should be able to go to high school as desired. They may need to have a list of courses / resources used for their grade 8 year if requested.

  52. I am also looking to offer homeschooling for other students and am wondering if there is any legal/government documentation I would need to have? I am an Ontario Certified Teacher currently in Good Standing. I was just planning to homeschooling services to interested families and work similar to an unlicenced day care.
    Then a daycare mom friend of mine suggested I visit a laywer, but I don’t know what for. Does anyone have any insight?

  53. Hi there! We are in Hamilton Ontario and just decided to homeschool. Do we have ro register or have a local support group? Looking forward to looking through your site.

  54. We have been placed in the unfortunate predicament where the Learn@Home program has failed us. The teacher is not teaching at-level curriculum, nor providing learning objectives or outcomes. We have hired our own teacher even to assist with the learning of the online content…offline. Kids shouldn’t be learning on you tube and filling in the blanks. I have now been informed that we have the option to delist from the asynchronous class we are in and relist in hopes that we get a better teacher, but in other words have been told it’s a crap-shoot. The VP did mention homeschooling is an option but I can’t seem to find out a way to have my child’s work at home, count towards the Ontario Academic records. How do we arrange this? Any guidance would be much appreciated. Thank you.

    1. Hi Alicia,

      When you choose to homeschool, you leave the school system behind and are completely independent. The only time it *might* matter is if your child is in high school and working towards official credits for an OSSD. In that case, there are other ways to earn credits outside of a classroom or the new Learn@Home models.

  55. Hello,

    I am a Grade 2 permanent teacher in the public school system in Ontario. I have more than 20 years of experience, most of it in the primary division.

    My reason for posting here is that I am curious about parents who may visit this site because they are interested in at-home learning for their child but are unable to provide this experience.

    I am very interested in starting a daytime virtual homeschool/tutoring business in September 2021. I would offer a Grade 2 program that follows the Ontario curriculum. There would be a maximum of 5 students from across Ontario, and I would focus on a balance of inquiry and skills practice (math/language) lessons. Not all subject areas would be covered, but I would look to integrate math, language, science, and social studies, with the possibility of integrating health and visual arts.

    This would be ideal for those families who are able to provide supervision at home but cannot do the programming (e.g., busy working from home, looking after younger children, or otherwise wanting the program but unable to implement it). Parents would not be required to sit with their child for the lessons. Hours would be appx. 9-11 and 1-3 (option for half-day or full-day possible). Fees would include my cost, some materials, the costs of a device and Internet connection. I’ll monitor these comments to see if anyone has any questions and to gauge interest.
    Thank you for your time.

  56. Hi there,

    I have a 12 year old son with Combination Type ADHD, Anxiety and a Language Based Learning Disability. He has struggled in school from day 1. He is in 7th grade and is reading at an SK/GR1 level. He has a heavily modified IEP and assistive technology, but has not made it into a small class placement. He is currently with DDSB@Home. Nobody is trying to help him learn to read at this point, except me. He needs 1 on 1 help to complete most of the work he is being given, and the worst thing is that most of the work he is being given will never serve him in any way.

    He is a happy, polite, kind, creative, chatty, curious little man who’s spirit is being broken on a daily basis.
    He is a kinesthetic learner with a passion for nature and building things with his hands.

    I want to pull him out, but I’m afraid of inhibiting his future.
    My husband and I also work full time, so I’m not sure how we would serve him any better.

    How do we rescue him from this nightmare and still ensure that he gets enough of the basics to serve him in adulthood. How is he going to get a job without a OSSD?

    1. This sounds like a challenging and frustrating situation for your family. Sorry that I missed your comment until now.
      So, one of the great things about homeschooling is that you can work it around your life. If that means that you have to do “school” after work or on weekends, so be it. You know your child the best and can figure out a way to make it work if this is the best solution. I won’t sugar coat it and say that it would be easy – heck no. Working + homeschooling + child with special needs = incredible challenge, but is it a better one that you are dealing with right now.
      For the record, lots and lots of homeschooled students do just fine in life without an official OSSD. There are plenty of options out there. However, if that’s a major concern, then you can consider using accredited courses at homes for high school – if you want to go that route and if you think that it’s possible given the education needs of your son. Setting him up for success in life seems more important that having a piece of paper that says he reached someone’s idea of success in education.
      However, you will need to sit down and consider what exactly homeschooling will need to look like in your home, if you can handle it, and if it’s going to be the best solution for your son and family.
      Lisa Marie.

    1. I have a couple questions. Can I still pull my child out of public school and homeschool her after the school year has already started? Also, do I need a response from them before I stop sending her to school?

  57. Sarah Rimmington

    Hi there, I am wishing to homeschool my son who is 14 years old in grade 9, Im kind of freaking out a little wondering if this is the right thing to do?? He has a lot of social anxiety and sometimes gets physically sick when even just the thoughts of going to school. From my understanding I send a letter first but then what is there a specific site I go to to get lesson plans
    Thanks so much


    1. Hey Sarah,

      Once you have sent in your letter of intent, you can choose to homeschool however you would like. There isn’t any official curriculum or place to look for it. Most homeschoolers decide between using an accredited program to work towards an official OSSD or doing their own thing using whatever kinds of resources they would like to create their own high school experience.

      I did put together a post about homeschooling high school in Ontario if that helps:

  58. Hi There,

    We own a yoga studio and would like to offer a homeschool program at the studio during the day for interested parents. We have a certified teacher with a Masters Degree and E.C.E to run the program following the Ontario curriculum, the capacity would be 10 kids. Is this a possibility?


    1. For yoga lessons or more like a private school through the day? If you just want to run lessons for homeschoolers to do yoga – I know lots of places offer similar ideas, so yes, that sounds like a great possibility. Just connect with a local group and see if there is any interest. If you are looking at running an actually “school” type thing, I would recommend speaking to a lawyer before doing anything to know what is legally allowed. Private schools and learning pods have their own regulations – and that is outside my expertise.

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