Do you want your kids to learn all about Canadian Provinces and Territories? Here we have rounded up some great resources as well as some hands-on activities that can help you and your kids learn more about our country!

Apple Press Books
Age Range: Grade 1-6 depending on the book chosen

Apple Press has a large variety of simple yet effective workbooks about Canada. They have a workbook for each province and territory in their Land and People series. For once, the territories are not grouped together! Apple Press also have their popular leveled Canada Map Books for Grade 1 to 6, which are also available in French! We have reviewed some of Apple Press products. Check them out and see if they would be a good fit for your homeschool. Apple Press’ workbooks are a simple way to add in learning about Canadian Provinces and Territories!
Salt Dough Canada Map
Age Range: probably Grade 3 and up, with differing expectations for details and accuracy.
Want an extra challenge for hands-on fun? Try making a salt dough map of Canada. My kids loved it when we made salt dough maps. Be prepared for messy! But the fun is well worth it. Print out a good physical map of Canada (that shows the landforms) and get creative! Don’t worry if it’s not exact…salt dough maps are hard to make. Your kids will still learn a lot! For added fun, try doing this with the activity called When the Provinces and Territories Joined Canada, part of our Hands-On Canadian History series. You could also try adding little flags for other landmarks, places you have been, places you wish to visit, where people live that you know (or where you have lived), and more!
The Canadian Adventure
Age Range: Elementary

Created by The Canadian Homeschooler, The Canadian Adventure is an online program that teaches your kids via an online cross-Canada tour! The program includes virtual stops at important landmarks, hidden gems, food tasting, hands on experiences, art projects and more! This program uses the optional books WOW Canada, Hey Canada or Are We There Yet (you only choose one of these options if you are using a book to go with it). This is a wonderful option for an online way to learn about the Canadian provinces and territories!
Seterra Geography Games
Age Range: Grade 4 and up, with some games being harder than others.
Seterra is an online map quiz site that you can play online or download the app. In the North America section they have games for Canada’s provinces and territories, Canada’s capitals, Canadian cities, province abbreviations, Canada’s physical features, provincial/territorial flags as well as a Canada printables section. Computer learning is always a hit for kids so why not use this to help them learn more about the Canadian provinces and territories?
WOW Canada

Author: Vivien Bowers
Age Range: 8-12
WOW Canada is one resource that I think every Canadian homeschool should have or borrow from the library. This book is written as a cross-Canada road trip and they have a section for learning about all the Canadian provinces and territories. It is so well written, engaging and fun! Sadly, you will have to look for it used or check it out at the library as it is out of print. Its well worth tracking down. Check out our review!
Hey Canada

Author: Vivien Bowers
Age Range: 7-10
Hey Canada is by the same author as WOW Canada, but written for a slightly younger audience. This book is also very well done, engaging and fun! Another great book that is out of print. Find it used or at your local library! Check out our review!
The Provinces and Territories of Canada Flag Matching Game

Age Range: Grade 3 and up
This was created by The Canadian Homeschooler as part of our Hands-On Canadian History series of projects. You can print out the provided provincial flags and start learning about when the provinces and territories joined Canada! You might just be surprised.
Canada Map Puzzle
Age Range: Grade 3 and up
Challenge your kids by printing out this free Canada Map Puzzle produced by CBC. It includes a tag for each province and territory’s capital.
The Great Canadian Road Trip Book Series

Publisher: Beech Street Books
Age Range: 8-12
These books are gorgeous! The Great Canadian Road Trip series has one book for each province and territory. With full colour and engaging graphics, these are my favourite books for learning about Canadian provinces and territories.
Canadian Geography Cards

Created by The Canadian Homeschooler, these Canadian geography cards are designed to print out and get your kids learning about the geography of Canada – one province or territory at a time.
Crayola Colouring Pages About Canada
Age Range: Pre-K and up! Anyone who enjoys colouring
If you have a child who loves to colour, Crayola created colouring pages for the prime ministers of Canada and the Canadian provinces and territories! You could pair up the Canadian prime ministers pages with a study of our prime ministers available on our website!
Canadian Geography Matching Game

Want a fun way to learn and review what you know and have learned about the Canadian provinces? Here’s a matching game by The Canadian Homeschooler.
A Final Word for Learning About Canadian Provinces and Territories
There are so many ways to have fun while learning about Canada’s Provinces and Territories! Grab some books, resources and supplies and get learning! Add in some hands-on learning and have fun.
Do you want more ideas for studying Canadian Geography? Check out Studying Canadian Geography for Homeschoolers!

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