Resources for Rethinking

Environmental education is something that our children need in order to better understand their impact on the world around them. Sometimes, it’s hard to cut through the media hype and find resources that actually help us teach.

Resources for Rethinking is a website developped by a group called “Learning for a Sustainable Future” (LSF). Their goal is to provide “teachers access to lesson plans, worksheets and other teaching resources that integrate environmental, social and economic spheres through learning that is interdisciplinary and action oriented. We call this learning Education for Sustainable Development or ESD.”

The website is basically a series of links to various lesson plans on a wide variety of subjects focused on sustainability and empowerment. Each lesson plan has been evaluated by teachers, listing strengths and weaknesses, as well as beneficial adaptations and how it fits into curriculum guidelines.

You can search by  provincial curriculum matches, grades, subjects, themes, who wrote the lesson plan, or a mix-n-match combination thereof. Over 80% of their website is FREE and instantly downloadable!

They also have links to their Project Flow – teaching students about water issues and concerns and EcoLeague – a call to action for students to think creatively about sustainability in their classrooms. While this is designed for a group setting, it would be easy to apply it in the homeschool setting as well.

There is also a fantastic section called Step Outside – a newsletter with additions focused on seasonal nature happenings. For example, the November segment features information about changes for winter, hibernation, and migration.

A great site, stuffed full of lots of information! Definitely worth a look!

Lisa Marie Fletcher
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