Where to find French Language Materials

One challenge that parents who are homeschooling their children either with French as a first language or even French Immersion is finding the materials to use. After I got another email asking for help with this need, I sent out a message to the community at large and am excited by the number of great resources they shared with me! I want to especially thank Renee C. for sharing her extensive knowledge of French language publishers. If/when she starts her own blog to share what else she’s found – I’ll be sure to share it!

French Language Materials

Below is a list of all the resources we compiled of French Language materials. If you have anything to add to the list, please let me know!

Canadian Companies 

Worksheets & Workbooks

International Companies

Online & Umbrella Schools

Board Games

  • Editions Gladius – this is a board game company based out of Quebec that has lots of outstanding French language games for fun and learning.

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6 thoughts on “Where to find French Language Materials”

  1. Il y a un nouveau site web qui s’appelle “Mieux Enseigner” qui est un concurrent de Teac hersPayTeachers. Le site est en français donc c’est plus facile pour les parents (ou enseignants) francophone de naviguer.

    Je ne partage pas encore de ressources là, mais je connais plusieurs personnes qui ont parlé de ce site.

    Mme Aiello (Teaching FSL)

  2. Je fais la recherche pour un programme complete pour 5e année, pour l’education a la maison. J’inquiète que mon francais n’est pas assez depuis des années sans utilisation.

  3. Stéfanie Beaudoin-Campbell

    I have a few you could add here.

    Samel education (Waldorf based full curriculum including french and math)

    Nos Jours Dorés (Charlotte Mason based full curriculum minus math but math included for kinder)

    Admire et fait tiennes (Charlotte Mason based full curriculum minus math)

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