Six Helpful Photography Lessons and Courses for Homeschoolers

Pass a kid of any age a camera and they will instantly start taking creative images of their world. Add one of these photography courses into your homeschool to help them understand more about the tools and skills involved in this art form.

A brightly dressed little girl holding a camera with text that reads "Six Photography Courses for Kids & Teens" overlaid

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Digital Photography Unit Study from

If you have a child who is curious about photography, this unit study dives into history of photography, camera basics, photography skills and rules, famous photographers and their photographs, and more. Your child will go on all kinds of photo adventures with this full colour digital download and accompanying lapbook.

  • 4 weeks long
  • PDF format
  • work is completed in a lapbook
  • for K-12
  • approx price: $19US

Check out the Digital Photography Unit Study.

Photography for Kids Course from VideoSchool

  • 12+ weeks long
  • video format
  • gets kids out and about doing different weekly photography challenges
  • for ages 4-13
  • approx price: $19US

Check out the Photography for Kids Course.

CameraQuest from Funschooling

This whimsical workbook challenges students to complete a photography challenge every day for 31 days and then to complete some questions about the photos they took. Students will need a way to print out the images they’ve taken and a way to attach them to their workbooks.

  • 31 day photography challenge
  • available in PDF or print versions
  • work is completed on workbook pages in a scrapbook style
  • for ages 9+
  • approx price: $18US for PDF version / $24CDN for print edition

Check out CameraQuest (PDF version) or CameraQuest (print edition).

Online Photography Class from

An image of a book, tablet, and computer showcasing a photography course for homeschoolers

This Christian-perspective course is available as part of a membership and covers topics such as  functions of the camera, composition and elements of design, editing, skills practice and more.

  • 30 week course
  • text-based with photo examples
  • for grades 3-12
  • approx price: included in a membership which is approx. $210 – $275 US / year (monthly options available)

Check out the Online Photography Class.

A Year With My Camera from Emma Davies

Photographer Emma Davies wanted a way for beginner photographers to become comfortable with their cameras and skills so she created this course which walks students step by step through moving away from the auto features with better understanding of camera functions, photo composition, light, editing, specific types of photography, and more. Although technically not one of the photography courses for homeschoolers, it offers too great a learning opportunity to keep it off the list.

  • 1 year program
  • available as an email course or a printed workbook
  • not really designed for kids, but can be used by any beginner photographer
  • optional community app available for ages 17+
  • approx price: free for email course / $35CDN for each of the 2 printed workbooks

Sign up for the A Year With My Camera email course or check out the A Year With My Camera printed edition.

Diploma in Digital Photography from

This program includes several shorter classes together to create a rounded program that covers an introduction to camera options, photographic techniques, Photoshop and Lightroom, and more.

  • 10-15 hours of learning + hands-on practice time
  • video format
  • for high school+
  • approx cost: free

Check out the Diploma in Digital Photography.

Hopefully one of these photography courses for homeschoolers and kids will help your child develop that creative eye with their camera.

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Lisa Marie Fletcher
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4 thoughts on “Six Helpful Photography Lessons and Courses for Homeschoolers”

  1. I love photography. These are some great resources. I remember the summer there was a big fire downtown and my son spent the summer documenting the fire, the removal of the buildings, and the clean up of the lot.

  2. Those are some great resources! Before I teach my kids I would probably have to learn some myself! My idea of photography is grabbing my iPhone and shooting a couple of pictures. I’m not a talented photographer at all! But my brother is a photographer-nature photography. I love his beautiful photos!

  3. Thanks for all of those wonderful resources!! I always have my camera with me. I have never had any formal photographic training, just a mom who loves to have a photo journal of our homeschool experience. 🙂 My kids each have their own camera, too. I love to encourage them to record their memories.

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