Prime Ministers of Canada Resources: John Turner

John TurnerAlthough John Turner had an accomplished career in politics, his time as our Prime Minister was a scant 2 months before an election was held and Brian Mulroney took his place. With only this brief moment in leadership, he never even had a chance to do anything with his position.

Notebooking Page

About His Life:

John Turner – The Canadian Encyclopedia

John Trudeau – from Thoughtco. – bullet points of his life

John Turner – from wikipedia


Colouring Page – from Crayola

The Long Run: The Political Rise of John Turner – from CBC Digital Archives. A collection of radio and video segments featuring or about Prime Minister Turner. Scroll through the collection on the right side of the page.

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Lisa Marie Fletcher
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1 thought on “Prime Ministers of Canada Resources: John Turner”

  1. Why was millions spent electing John turner as prime minister and lasted only two months then spend more millions to elect conservative Brian Mulroney ?

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