Math. Whether the word fills you with excitement or dread, we all teach it in our homeschools. This month, the Canadian Homeschool Blogging Team shares their experiences and advice surrounding math.

Kimberly – Delay Formal Math?
Are you unsure about how to handle math with your child? Does paper and pencil math move them (and you) to tears? When does your child need to begin formal math instruction? Kindergarten/Primary? Grade 1? Or can they begin even later? You might be surprised to learn that in our homeschool, formal math instruction began around Grade 4 age.
Annette – Practical Math
My son and I have … A struggle with math and I have to admit that I am not always sure what to do with it. He’s been getting a bit weary with the struggle (as am I). Ergo the need for practical math…
Bonnie – Teaching Math When It’s Your Least Favourite Subject
One doubt often faced by homeschool parents is how to teach a subject they struggled with in school. For me, that subject is math. All the way through my school years, math was my least favourite subject. Despite that, I’m actually enjoying teaching math to my daughters. Here are my tips for teaching math when it’s not your favourite subject.
Jen – Even Steven’s Odd-Game Review!
As a homeschooler, I love that math is involved in a fun way. When you are playing, especially at the end of the day, it is funny how your brain can not seem to compute how to do a challenge. When the kids are faster than mom and dad at math, then they get so excited! Kids excited about math! Check!
Affordable homeschooling can be a challenge. Between curriculum, books, memberships, field trips, and events, the costs quickly add up. So instead of spending money on math manipulatives, check out this list of 65 math materials you can find around your home!
Ana – 5 ways CTC Changed our Homeschool
How much my kids love CTC Math? They asked to do it first thing in the morning! “Can I do my CTC math first, mom?” my daughter frequently asks me. What else could I ask for? This program is fantastic in every way. It is a complete curriculum, easy to understand and my kids love doing it!
Shelley – 10 Ways To Sneak In Math And Build Confidence
My oldest has said that if we ever truly want to punish him for something, the most effective technique is to give him extra math work. And I believe him, math is a major stressor for him. This attitude has carried over from his school years and I’m still working on making math a more positive experience.
Cherine – Montessori Golden Bead Addition, When To Introduce It?
This is a question I am asked often. Speaking for us and our home experience at home, I really do not have a definitive answer. Our children were interested in numbers off and on with great excitement. While we were always talking about and using numbers in our daily living, it was during those times of heightened excitement that they were incredibly ready and eager, to work in greater detail with the Golden Beads.
Melanie – Number Bonds of 10 Free Math Printables
It’s a pretty important week, since our whole number system revolves around the number 10. Besides learning the number bonds of 10 and writing the number in words, we are also starting to touch on place values, although it will be expanded on in future lessons.
Joelle – Math and Logic in Our Homeschool – What We Use
All about Math and Logic, discovering patterns. How did (do) we tackle this in our homeschool? Read along!
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Such an amazing collection of resources! Thank you for sharing!