My Hometown Pamphlet {Printable}

Today, several of my Canuck Blogger friends are doing a blog carnival where they are going to share about their hometown. I thought that instead of sharing my hometown I’d put together a fun printable so that your children can research YOUR hometown!

hometown cover

This printable includes several pages, and allows kids to explore their home town by asking them to find out the following information:

  • Town name, province/state, country
  • population
  • year founded
  • timezone
  • who is the mayor
  • a city flag
  • urban or rural
  • a map of your town
  • tourist attractions
  • a hometown hero
  • my favourite place

{My Hometown Pamphlet Printable}



I invite you to check out all the posts in today’s carnival and learn about hometowns all over Canada.

Canucks Content Carnival

Portage & Main Press
portage and main

Based out of Winnepeg,Β Portage & Main Press is a publisher that provides some outstanding materials for teachers. Divided into both Read more

SmartSeries Books

In 2010, I wrote about the book series, The Complete Canadian Curriculum. At the time, I had just discovered these Read more

Current Events For Kids with LesPlan

If you are looking for a kid-safe, study-ready way to learn and examine current events, this is a terrific resource Read more

Teach Your Kids About …. the Inuit People
Teach Your Kids About... The Inuit

  Canada's north is a frozen tundra where many people would never venture to live. Here is where you will Read more

Lisa Marie Fletcher
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11 thoughts on “My Hometown Pamphlet {Printable}”

  1. What a great printable! Love it πŸ™‚ Not only is this a great printable for home, but I’m sure many teachers in our kids’ schools would love this. I love the section of “hometown hero”. Would be so cute to see what kids put there πŸ™‚

  2. What a great idea! I think it’s important our kids know where they came from, what their hometown is all about, and how life started for them. The history itself is so much fun!

  3. This is a nice way to let kids/students know more about their hometown. Like Sandy, I also like the hometown hero part, now that made me think… who is my hometown hero? Thanks for visiting my post.

  4. This looks like a great idea!!! My girls are very interested in province/country/town and often ask questions… this might be a bit advanced for them (my oldest is in Kindergarten) but it would be a way to start learning a bit more about things. Thanks for sharing! πŸ™‚

  5. LOVE the printable Lisa Marie, what a great idea and such a fun learning activity for children. I am sharing it with my son who is an elementary school teacher…he will love this too!

  6. What a great resource to help your kids learn about their home town! I think a lot of adults could use this too to improve their knowledge!

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