Canadian Unsolved Mysteries

Everyone loves a good mystery, and the lure to be the next Sherlock Holmes is hard to resist. What if you could help solve a Canadian mystery from long ago? Check out Great Unsolved Mysteries of Canadian History – a website dedicated to getting research together to solve some “cold” case mysteries like:

  • Where is Vinland?
  • The Redpath Mansion Mystery
  • Who discovered Klondike gold?
  • Death of a Diplomat: Herbert Norman and the Cold War

There are 12 mysteries in total, each with it’s own dedicated page to help teach students to research, examine historical facts, and to pull the puzzles together.

There are also teachers’ guides which you can request permission to access to. (I didn’t explore through them, although I usually would. They manually approve acceptance to the teacher’s resources section and it can take a few days, depending on how busy they are.)

Grade level wise, most of the mysteries seem to correspond with the learning objectives for grades 6 to 12 – with most in the high school range. They’ve even taken the time to show exactly, by province, how each mystery is connected to the government curriculum outlines.

The program has won several awards of recognition, great reviews and high praise from the teaching community. It’s a fun way to approach learning.

There is also a secondary site with about 40 different Mysteries to research and solve through a WebQuest style of adventure. It’s divided up into three different age ranges. It’s called MysteryQuests.

Happy Sleuthing!

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Lisa Marie Fletcher
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