Tadeo Turtle {Book Review}

Canadian children’s author and artist, Janis Cox, has a beautiful book called Tadeo Turtle.

Tadeo the Turtle This early years picture book is all about a little painted turtle named Tadeo who sees a squirrel running through the trees and dreams of being able to do more than he can as a turtle. When he frees himself from his shell, things don’t quite go as he thought they would, and he discovers that God made him perfect after all.

Awarded the Best Children’s book in the 2013 Word Awards, this book’s illustrations are artwork. Gorgeous vivid watercolour colours fill the pages, making Tadeo and his adventures pop to life.

The back of the book is filled with related activities – including many crafty ways to make turtles and ways to expand the story through research.

If you are interested, she’s also created a curriculum to go along with her book, which brings the story to life for kids in JK through Grade 2 with

  • math: patterns and shapes
  • language: additional books to read, understanding words
  • science: learning about painted turtles
  • Bible: scriptures and discussion topics
  • music: songs about turtles
  • art: making turtles through various mediums
  • physical education: music, movement, and fun games.

To get this extra bonus, all you need to do is email Janis and she will send it to you directly – for free!

Find out more about the book, Janis, and see all sorts of creative kids’ projects about Tadeo, be sure to stop by her blog, JanisCox.com

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Lisa Marie Fletcher
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