Homeschoolers In The Community

How do you, as a homeschooling family, take advantage of the community around you? This onth, the team shares their ideas on how they use the resources in their communities.

homeschoolers in the community
Colourful Houses on Shutterstock


Alison – Strength in Numbers: Getting Involved in Your Homeschool Community

One of your greatest assets and support for homeschooling your children can be found in your local homeschooling community — find out why and how to get involved with other local homeschoolers!

Annette – Foodbank Detail

Almost every week my boy and I head down to the Foodbank to spend three hours helping out. It’s a regular event for us, it gives us a chance to reach out to the community as well as meet new people. 🙂

Andrea – Homeschooling and Community

We are very lucky to have a huge community as homeschoolers, whether it be with the school board you are affiliated with, co-ops, Facebook groups or Instagram. And the beauty is ,that we as moms or as families can decide whether we want to be apart of these communities or whether we want to stay away from them.


Dear Homeschool Mom or Dad…. Letters from us in the field.
Dear Homeschool Mom or Dad - letters from us in the field

Dear Homeschool Mom or Dad, How is your journey going? Is today a good day? A rough day? An amazing Read more

Canadian Homeschooling Support Groups on Facebook

If you are looking to connect with homeschoolers in your local area or province (or even country wide), Facebook is Read more

Homeschooling: One Small Step for Me, One Giant Leap for Mom.
Homeschooling Reflections - CayR

The year 2002. That was the year that changed our lives forever. Believe it or not, as a six year Read more

Challenge Cards – Minecraft Edition {Printable}

Do your kids love Minecraft as much as mine do? Then they will love these challenge cards!   >> DOWNLOAD Read more

Lisa Marie Fletcher
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