“Daddy, I Want to Read” Books for Beginning Readers

“Daddy, I Want to Read” are a set of beginning reading books written by a Christian Missionary family while the lived in the Kalahari Desert of Africa. There are five books in the series which are designed to be used in two lessons per day on school days – taking about a year to get through each book. A teacher’s instructional book is required to be able to teach it properly.

Kalahari Reader

Looking the books over, they are very reminiscent of the old-fashioned readers like Dick and Jane. It uses lots of white space, oversized text with traditional fonts (a’s with a circle instead of fancy like this font uses), and black and white illustrations of families interspersed along on the pages. They use a phonics approach to learning how to read, and highlight new words and letters with blue text. Readers build up a vocabulary as they go along, eventually being able to read the whole text themselves.

Daddy I Want To Read - Sample

The company actually offers 3 varieties of their books, written with spelling and pronunciation guides for each region. You can get American, UK, and Canadian editions.

Please note that these books are Christian – referencing the Bible and Church in the stories.

The cost is about $35US for the full set of 5 along with an Instructor’s Manual from Vanguard Education.

Lisa Marie Fletcher
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