Hands-On Canadian History: The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

In 1982, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms was introduced. It clearly outlined what Canadian citizens and residents were allowed (and not allowed) to do and expect.

There are 7 main sections:

  • Fundamental Freedoms
  • Democratic Rights
  • Mobility Rights
  • Legal Rights
  • Equality Rights
  • Official Languages of Canada
  • Minority Language Education Rights

Plus details outlining how these rules are enforced, guarantees and exemptions, etc.

Hands-On Canadian History: The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Bingo Game

This game is designed to be a fun way to get some basic understanding of what is included in the charter.

Materials Needed:

  • A bingo card for each player
  • Scenario sheet cut into strips
  • Bingo markers (such as beans or coins or something similar)

Give each player a bingo card and a selection of markers. One person is the caller and reads off one randomly selected scenario at a time. Each scenario is an example of a specific right or freedom being violated. As you call out the scenario, it is the job of the players to figure out which right or freedom is being infringed upon and to cover it with one of their marker. Just like in regular bingo, the first player with 5 in a straight row (across, down, or diagonally) is the winner.

Some examples of scenarios are:

“Tatsuki is turned away at the voting booth because he is Japanese-Canadian.(Right to Vote)
“Layla, a Canadian citizen, goes to visit her friends in the United States and is refused re-entry back to Canada. (Right to leave & enter the country)
“Henri is deaf and cannot hear what is being said in the courtroom. (Right to an interpreter in court)

For fun, they can yell “FREEDOM!” instead of Bingo when they win.

Here is a great video that helps explain how the charter works.


See all 31 Days of  Hands-on Canadian History.


Lisa Marie Fletcher
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2 thoughts on “Hands-On Canadian History: The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms”

  1. Wow, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is truly a pivotal moment in Canadian history! It’s amazing to see how it lays out the fundamental freedoms, democratic rights, and legal rights that citizens and residents are entitled to. The inclusion of sections on mobility rights, equality rights, and official languages of Canada showcases the nation’s commitment to diversity and inclusivity. I’d love to learn more about the specific guarantees and exemptions that ensure these rights are upheld. Kudos to Lisa Marie Fletcher for shedding light on such a crucial aspect of Canadian identity and governance! #CanadianHistory #CharterofRights #ProudCanadian

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